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"'To be sure dis a one, and he pointed to one nearly twice the dimensions of its fellows. "'Has it been lately used, Sambo can you tell?" "'I soon find out, Massa Geral. "His device was the most simple and natural in the world, and yet I confess it was one which I never should have dreamt of. Stooping on the sands, he passed his hand under the bottom of the canoe, and then whispered.

"Berry well, Massa Geral," and the old man spoke piquedly, although partly re-assured by the assurance that it was no ghost. "If e no take e poor nigger wice e do as e like; but I no top in e canoe while e go and have him troat cut, or carry off by a debbil I dam if e go I go too."

The emotion of the figure, in giving evidence of its materiality, had, more than all the signs of his master, contributed to allay the agitation of the old negro. When therefore Gerald, urged by his irrepressible curiosity, in a whisper declared his intention to penetrate to the rear of the house, he was enabled to answer. "For Gorramity's sake, Massa Geral, nebber go dare.

All dis a place berry bad, and dat no a livin' ting what e see yonder. Do Massa Geral take poor nigger word, and not so dere affer e ghost." "Nay, Sambo, it is no ghost, but flesh and blood, for I saw it in the brig we were foul of just now, however be under no alarm.

One useful result of his former experiences was that he could talk fluently in the Lingoa Geral, which is the peculiar talk, one-third Portuguese and two-thirds Indian, which is current all over Brazil. I have said before that Lord John Roxton was a South Americomaniac.

"'Massa Geral, he said in a mysterious whisper, for old age and long services in my family have given him privileges which I have neither the power nor the inclination to check 'Massa Geral, pulling me by the collar 'I dam ib he no go sleep when him ought to hab all him eyes about him him pretty fellow to keep watch when Yankee pass him in e channel.

"Berry well, Massa Geral," and the old man spoke piquedly, although partly re-assured by the assurance that it was no ghost. "If e no take e poor nigger wice e do as e like; but I no top in e canoe while e go and have him troat cut, or carry off by a debbil I dam if e go I go too."

Would that I had had this proof of their participation before they quitted the schooner. Very well, Sambo, no blame can attach to you go to sleep, my good fellow, but not beyond the time I have given you." "Tankee, Massa Geral, "and drawing the collar of his pea jacket close under his ears, the negro again extended himself at his length upon the arm chest.

"How is your head tonight?" inquired the officer in a kind tone. "Berry well, Massa Geral but berry sleepy." "Then sleep, Sambo; but do not fail to awaken me in time: we shall weigh anchor the very first thing in the morning, provided the fog does not continue. By the bye, you superintended the landing of the baggage was every thing sent ashore?"

No external wound was visible, and yet his breathing was that of one who had received some severe bodily harm. In a few minutes, however, he recovered his recollection, and the words he uttered, as he gazed wildly around, and addressed his master, were sufficient to explain the whole affair: "Damn him debbel, Massa Geral, he get safe off, him billain." "Ha, Desborough! it is then so?