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Updated: August 21, 2024

In truth Miss Virginia was an elusive sort of person, sometimes allowing a glimpse of herself in all her unselfish sweetness, and then, presto! her reserve had taken alarm, the vision was gone. She was conventional, made so by her environment; yet her failings, many of them, so her sister Caroline declared, were those of an untrained child.

"What do you mean, boy?" said the lady, a gaze of surprise chasing away the look of alarm which had covered her pretty face. "I mean 'xactly what I says, miss. The dog's your own: I sold it to you long ago for five bob!" The girl for she was little more than sixteen turned with a startled, doubting look to the dog.

Another time, a young woman at twelve o'clock in the open day, got through, darted along; and, before Waterloo could come near her, jumped upon the parapet, and shot herself over sideways. Alarm given, watermen put off, lucky escape. Clothes buoyed her up. 'This is where it is, said Waterloo.

"Shall we notify old Dangloss or alarm the steward? There's no time to be lost if we want to trap these fellows. The chief devil is bound to escape, for we can't get him and the others, too, and they won't peach on him. Come, we must be lively! What are you standing there for? Damn it, the trap must be set!" "Wait! Why not do the whole job ourselves?" "How-what do you mean?"

The apartment was approached by an encased stairway, leading from the sitting-room. He lifted the latch and listened, the old man was snoring; the young man felt like a thief; but that was to be expected, and therefore did not alarm his conscience. The stairs creaked, still he did not pause. The door of Lyman's room, to the left at the head of the stairs, was not locked.

The bishop had barely stopped speaking when the shutter in the chancel of the ladies' gallery above the throne opened, and a voice rang through the vast audience hall, like the tones of an alarm bell: "Make one more announcement, please, my Lord Bishop. Say that if this wondrous ceremony is to come off within three weeks, the Dauphin of France must be content with a dead bride."

I do not know how it is, but I have a perfect dread of this voyage." Ronald Morton did his best to soothe the lady's alarm, hoping also that she would not impart it to her daughter. Colonel Armytage, when he rejoined the party, was considerably annoyed at hearing the remarks of his wife.

At five he climbed hastily from his bunk at the jingle of general alarm, and reached the bridge on the run in time to see the exchange of recognition signals with a British man-o'-war, which vessel had run into a submarine while the latter was on the surface in a fog. The warship had just rammed the U-boat. "Can we help you?" Frank called across the water. "Thanks.

With these words he opened the door of a small closet, into which he shut the Colonel. "I believe in you," he said to Florizel, as soon as they were alone; "but are you sure of your friend?" "Not so sure as I am of myself, though he has more cogent reasons," answered Florizel, "but sure enough to bring him here without alarm. He has had enough to cure the most tenacious man of life.

"Yes," replied his master, fixing his little grey eye sternly on him, "the red-herring." "It's gone, sir!" replied Smallbones, with alarm. "Gone! gone where?" "If you please, sir, I didn't a-think that you would have touched it after the dog had had it in his nasty mouth; and so, sir if you please, sir " "And so what?" said Vanslyperken, compressing his thin lips.

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