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Updated: January 29, 2025

They were now homeward bound, with 365 miles to go. They covered 16½ miles on the 28th, with Joyce absolutely blind and hanging to the harness for guidance, "but still pulling his whack." They reached Spencer-Smith's camp the next afternoon and found him in his sleeping-bag, quite unable to walk.

Meade, Old Churches and Families of Va. i. 220, 221. Works of John Adams, ii. 361. Works of John Adams, ii. 357-364. Works of John Adams, ii. 365. Am. Quarterly Review, i. 30, whence it is quoted in Works of John Adams, iii. 29, 30, note.

The interests of commerce were often sacrificed to this object." Yet he claims that in the end commerce also profited, for "the increase in the number of ships became a spur to seek out employment for them." In 1792, British registered shipping amounted to 1,365,000 tons, employing 80,000 seamen.

The study is not an easy one, and in labouring to be brief, probably, I may be obscure and incomplete. "Annus menses habet duodecim..." says the Breviary. The year has twelve months, fifty-two weeks plus one day, or 365 days and almost six hours. But these six hours make up a day every four years, and this fourth year is called bisextile.

The Financier states the old Dollar as containing 376 grains of fine silver, and the new 365 grains. If the Dollars circulating among us be of every date equally, we should examine the quantity of pure metal in each, and from them form an average for our Unit.

Prelates and priests, monks and nuns exert an influence that is all- pervading. William E. Curtis, United States Commissioner to South America, wrote: "One-fourth of all the property belongs to the bishop. There is a Catholic church for every 150 inhabitants. Ten per cent. of the population are priests, monks or nuns, and 272 out of the 365 days of the year are observed as fast or feast days.

If this account be true, it shows a knowledge that the vault of heaven is a complete sphere, and that stars are shining at mid-day, although eclipsed by the sun's brightness. This may be true or not, but the ancient Chinese certainly seem to have divided the circle into 365 degrees.

Planks were cheap and they held down some of the sand, but they grew in disfavor. In 1864 the Superintendent of Streets reported that in the previous year 1,365,000 square feet of planks had been laid, and 290,000 square feet had been paved with cobbles, a lineal mile of which cost $80,000. How much suffering they cost the militia who marched on them is not reported.

Of the same family was that other C. Licinius who, when he was tribune of the people, 365 years after the expulsion of the Kings, first transferred the Sovereign function of law making from the Comitium to the Forum, thus as it were constituting that area the 'farm' of the entire people. The other whom I see come hither is Cn.

Parents and widows with children have school suffrage in towns and villages. Women may be notaries public. 511 women in ministry, 108 dentists, 365 journalists, 124 lawyers, 103 commercial travellers, 925 doctors, 49 professors, 348 saloon keepers, 81 bankers, 84 carpenters, etc. North Carolina POPULATION: Male 938,677; female 955,133. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Wife controls own earnings.

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