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As to the postal revenues, the expansion of the business in that department, the normal increase in the Post Office and the extension of the service, will increase the outlay to the sum Of $260,938,463; but as the department was self-sustaining this year the Postmaster General is assured that next year the receipts will at least equal the expenditures, and probably exceed them by more than the surplus of this year.

It was a national roll call of the pick of civilian manhood available for military duty, and yielded an enrollment of 9,649,938 from which the first army was to be drafted. "The registration," reported the Government, "was accomplished in a fashion measuring up to the highest standards of Americanism.

In the provinces the results of the campaign against cholera were far less satisfactory than in Manila as was to be anticipated, owing to lack of adequate personnel, but the cases, which numbered 34,238 and deaths which numbered 22,938, were far fewer than during the previous epidemic.

In 1914 Russia had in all 20,057 locomotives, of which 15,047 burnt coal, 4,072 burnt oil and 938 wood.

+938+. In whatever manner the oracles were first brought to Rome it is certain that they were accepted by the Romans in all good faith, and they came to play a very important part in the conduct of public affairs.

The platform, whose length from north to south is about 1582 ft., and breadth from east to west about 938 ft., is approached from the plain by a magnificent double staircase of black marble, of very easy rise, not more than 4 in. each step. Its general height above the level of the plain was originally 34 ft. 9 in.

Ep. 1533. p. 696. Ep. 528. p. 400. Ep. 610. p. 938. Ep. 530. p. 911. Ep. 592. p. 934. Ep. 1569. p. 708. See also Ep. 1576. p. 710. L. 3. ep. 9. p. 278. Ep. 1478. p. 668. Ep. 595. p. 929. Ep. 637. p. 948. Ep. 260. p. 88. Ep. 265. p. 99. & 368. p. 134. Ep. 525. p. 908. Ep. 42. p. 41. Ep. 83. p. 84. Ep. 579. p. 930. Ep. 111. p. 110. Ep. p. 203. Cent. 2. p. 448.

Murkertach first appears in our annals at the year 921, and disappears in the thick of the battle in 938. His whole career covers seventeen years; his position throughout was subordinate and expectant for King Donogh outlived his heir: but there are few names in any age of the history of his country more worthy of historical honour than his.

The vote in Washoe county was 1,449 for, 2,047 against; in Reno, the county seat, 938 for, 1,587 against. Ormsby county with Carson City gave an adverse majority of only 141; Storey county with Virginia City of only 31. The total vote was 10,936 ayes, 7,257 noes the amendment carried by 3,679. The cost of the whole three years' campaign was only a little more than $7,000.

QUOD ... CONTENTUS: this passage with the whole context resembles Lucretius 3, 931-977; cf. especially 938 cur non ut plenus vitae conviva recedis; 960 satur ac plenus discedere rerum. Cf. also Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 117-118. UT PLACEAT: 'in order to secure approval'. PERAGENDA: cf. n. on 50 comparandae.