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Ep. 662. p. 834. XXI. Elias Oldenbarnevelt, Pensionary of Rotterdam, and brother to the Grand Pensionary of Holland, dying in 1613, the city of Rotterdam offered that important place to Grotius, whose name was so famous, foreigners sought to draw him to them by offers of honours and lucrative posts, which love to his Country made him constantly reject.

Part One. Interdum vulgus rectum videt. HOR., Ep. ii. 1, 63. Sometimes the vulgar see and judge aright.

It was translated into Latin by Theodorus Schrivelius, and printed in the third tome of his theological works. Ep. 77. Ep. 83.

These sacrifices are not satisfactions for those making them, or applicable on behalf of others, so as to merit for these, ex opere operato, the remission of sins or reconciliation. For they are made by those who have been reconciled. And such are the sacrifices of the New Testament, as Peter teaches, 1. Ep. 2, 5: An holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices.

This story the reader may learn from Ovid's Epistles, of Sappho to Phaon, Ep. 21. Woman in the Moon, presented before the Queen, London 1667. Six of these plays, viz. Alexander and Campaspe, Endymion, Galathea and Mydas, Sappho and Phaon, with Mother Bombie, a Comedy, by the same author, are printed together under the title of the Six Court-Comedies, 12mo, London 1632, and dedicated by Mr.

Would I fortify myself against the fear of death, it must be at the expense of Seneca: would I extract consolation for myself or my friend, I borrow it from Cicero. I might have found it in myself, had I been trained to make use of my own reason. Euripides, ap. Cicero, Ep. Whence Ennius: "Nequidquam sapere sapientem, qui ipse sibi prodesse non quiret."

The translation is in Latin verse such as the ancient tragic writers used. In the preface Grotius enters into an examination of Euripides's tragedy. He shews that the time of twenty-four hours has been exactly kept to; that the unity of place is observed; that the manners are good; that it contains many useful maxims, and is upon the whole very well written. Ep. 57. p. 771.

"The bishop of that city every year, at the season of the paschal solemnity, exhibits it to be adored by the people, after he himself has first performed his act of profound veneration". S. Paulinus of Nola, A.D. 430, ep. 11 ad Sever. "In the middle of Lent, the life-giving wood of the venerable cross is usually exposed for adoration". S. Sophronius patriarch of Jerusalem in 639.

Ep. 380. p. 139. VI. The King being informed that Oxenstiern, to serve the common cause, wanted to come to France, consented to it, and gave orders for his being received with great magnificence: the Hotel for Ambassadors Extraordinary at Paris was fitted up for him . All business was suspended till his arrival : and the King went to Compeigne to be nearer Flanders and Germany.

Ep. 1. 8. Cf. Such was the Ravenna of the barbarian who called himself king of Italy. We have seen Ravenna since her incorporation into the Roman administrative system fulfilling the various reasons of her existence; as the fortress which held the gate into Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, as the second naval port of the West, and as the great impregnable fortress of Italy in the barbarian invasions.

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