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"But," said Mr. Morris, "what value can they be to you as they now are, any further than the consciousness that you own them?" "Yes," said Red Jacket, but this knowledge is everything to us. It raises us in our own estimation. It creates in our bosoms a proud feeling which elevates us as a nation. Observe the difference between the estimation in which a Seneca and an Oneida are held.

As they led the way Peter and the Seneca carefully removed from before them every dried twig and threw it on one side. The distance to be traversed from the hut to the water was about two hundred yards, and half of this was passed over before they encountered any obstacle.

There is wisdom in the advice of Seneca, who says, "Where a spring rises, or a river flows, there should we build altars and offer sacrifices." The personality of a river is not to be found in its water, nor in its bed, nor in its shore. Either of these elements, by itself, would be nothing.

For, after his own beliefs and his own customs, he was every inch a man courteous, considerate, proud, generous, loyal, and brave. Which seem to me to be the general qualifications for a gentleman. Except the Seneca Mountain Snakes, the nations of the Long House, considering their beliefs, customs, and limited opportunities, were not a whit inferior to us as men.

And with all his respect for the nobler side of Stoicism, he is fully alive to its defects; though it was not given to him to see, as Milton saw after him, the point wherein that great system really failed the "philosophic pride" which was the besetting sin of all disciples in the school, from Cato to Seneca: "Ignorant of themselves, of God much more,

Seneca was a Spaniard, born but a few years before the Christian era; he was a lawyer and a rhetorician, also a teacher and minister of Nero.

On this occasion were those verses written, which, though nothing is said of their success, seem to have recommended him to some notice; for his praise of the countess's music, and his lines on the famous picture of Seneca, afford reason for imagining that he was more or less conversant with that family.

Seneca speaks in one place of wretches doomed to undergo stones, sword, fire, and Caius; in another he says that he had tortured the noblest Romans with everything which could possibly cause the intensest agony, with cords, plates, rack, fire, and, as though it were the worst torture of all, with his look!

VIII. The same tone and colouring, too, are thrown over both parts: an unbroken moodiness pervades them; one unceasing series of repulsive pictures of the vices and immoralities of a country fallen into servility and hastening to destruction; men and women commit revolting crimes; the human race is a prey to calamity; individuals are feared and followed by oppression, and that, too, simply because they are distinguished by nobility of birth, or because they are excellent rhetoricians, or popular with the multitude, or endowed with faculties equal to all requirements in public emergencies and State difficulties: we have the same terrible deaths of ministers, Seneca and Sejanus; the same blending of ferocity and lust in emperors, Nero and Tiberius; the same accusations and sacrifices of men who are free of speech and honourable in their proceedings.

"His memory, though not so eminent as that of Seneca or Scaliger, was capacious and tenacious, insomuch as he remembered all that was remarkable in any book that he had read; and not only knew all person's again that he had ever seen, at any distance of time, but remembered the circumstances of their bodies, and their particular discourses and speeches.

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