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Updated: September 21, 2024

In 1914-15 Belgium could not send out her products; so we were to help feed her without pay, and England and France were to give money to buy what food we did not give. But with the British navy generously allowing food to pass the blockade, the problem was far from solved. Ships laden with supplies steaming to Rotterdam this was a matter of easy organization.

Sweden and Rotterdam, Mexico and South America but here was one, and to-morrow, nay, to-day, the communication would be cut, and Germany so much the poorer. The train steamed into Cerbère at one o'clock of the afternoon. "Every one must descend here, monsieur, for the examination of luggage and passports," said the attendant. "But I am leaving France!" cried Hillyard. "I go on into Spain.

Still, all things considered, perhaps it's just as well. Illegitimate children have a hard time, and turn out badly as often as not." Geissler felt perhaps some touch of malice at the portly complacency of the man of law; he said: "Erasmus was born out of wedlock." "Erasmus ...?" "Erasmus of Rotterdam." "H'm." "And Leonardo the same." "Leonardo da Vinci? Really?

"Certainly," she answered eagerly. "Whom will you appoint in his place?" "That is for the Prince to decide." "Have you thought of any means of keeping the communication with Delft free from the enemy?" "On your mother's account?" "Not solely. Rotterdam also lies to the south.

It is situated on the top of an old dike or dam, built to keep the Maas from overflowing the country behind it. One of these canals is formed out of the River Rotte. This stream and this dam gave the name of Rotterdam to the place." "Whose statue is that?" asked Paul, when they came to a wide bridge over a broad canal. "That is the statue of Erasmus, who was born in Rotterdam."

Amsterdam and Rotterdam held the printing presses of Europe in the early days of the republic; the Elzevirs were the first publishers of cheap editions, and thereby aided in disseminating the new learning. From Holland came the new agriculture, which has done so much for social life, horticulture and floriculture. The Dutch taught modern Europe navigation.

This is not the only record of the Spaniards to be found in Rotterdam. Many buildings, erected during the time of their dominion suggest the style of architecture then fashionable in Spain, and many still bear Spanish inscriptions. In the cities of Holland inscriptions on the houses are very common.

Goldsmith's second embarkation was for Holland direct, and in nine days he arrived at Rotterdam, whence he proceeded, without any more deviations, to Leyden. He gives a whimsical picture, in one of his letters, of the appearance of the Hollanders. "The modern Dutchman is quite a different creature from him of former times; he in everything imitates a Frenchman but in his easy, disengaged air.

He openly said that he had as yet given no positive orders for it, because owing to the prospect of a good harvest, a fall in the price of grain was expected in the exchanges of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and he would still have several weeks time before the commencement of the new blockade.

He openly said that he had as yet given no positive orders for it, because owing to the prospect of a good harvest, a fall in the price of grain was expected in the exchanges of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and he would still have several weeks time before the commencement of the new blockade.

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