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But we still say, without any hesitation, Orcivios, Matones, Otones, coepiones, sepulcra, coronas, and lacrymas, because the ear allows it. Ennius always uses Burrum, and never Pyrrhum; and the ancient copies of the same author have Vi patefecerunt BRUGES,

Account of celebrated old men whose lives till death were useful and happy 10-14 Ennius 14 B. Refutation of charges made against old age 15-85 Statement of the four charges commonly made against old age: it withdraws men from active life, it weakens the physical powers, it takes away capacity for enjoyment, and it involves the anticipation of death 15

Ennius had early in life shown a tendency towards the mystic speculations of Pythagoreanism: traces of it are seen in his assertion that the soul of Homer had migrated into him through a peacock, and that he had three souls because he knew three languages; while the satirical notice of Horace seems to imply that he, like Scipio, regarded himself as specially favoured of heaven

And Favorinus, who was a remarkably sensible man, and came from Provence the male inhabitants of which district have always valued themselves on their knowledge of love and ladies calls this said stata forma the beauty of wives, the uxorial beauty. Ennius says that women of a stata forma are almost always safe and modest.

By common consent the invention of satire is attributed to the Romans. The originator of the name was Ennius; but the true exponent of Roman satire was Lucilius, who lived 148-102 B.C. His writings mark a distinct era in Roman literature and filled no less than thirty volumes, some fragments of which remain.

The veneration for the father of Roman poetry was transmitted from generation to generation; even the polished Quintilian says, "Let us revere Ennius as we revere an ancient sacred grove, whose mighty oaks of a thousand years are more venerable than beautiful;" and, if any one is disposed to wonder at this, he may recall analogous phenomena in the successes of the Aeneid, the Henriad, and the Messiad.

Varro Atacinus, in those works which have gained him fame, appears as a translator by no means contemptible, but is not rich enough to add to the resources of eloquence. Ennius let us reverence as we should groves of holy antiquity, whose grand and venerable trees have more sanctity than beauty. Others are nearer our own day, and more useful for the matter in hand.

And anyhow, as the upper classes, to which he belonged more or less, were only growing out of French into English, very likely they pronounced their English with a good deal of French accent. Now it seems to me that something of the same kind, with a difference, is what happened with Ennius.

The way here had been shown him by Naevius; but in the interval, chiefly owing to Ennius' own genius and industry, the literary capabilities of the language had made a very great advance. It is uncertain whether Ennius made any attempt to develop the native metres, which in his predecessor's work were still rude and harsh; if he did, he must soon have abandoned it.

"Do you?" retorted Lucius, feeling all the time that a deadly temptation had hold of him, which he could by no means resist. "Why?" said the Greek. "Your Latin Ennius states my view, in some of your rather rough and blundering native tetrameters. He says: "'There's a race of gods in heaven; so I've said and still will say. But I deem that we poor mortals do not come beneath their sway.

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