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Updated: September 8, 2024

They had not been long in the ball-room before Alain came up to claim his promised partner. In saluting Duplessis, his manner was the same as usual, not more cordial, not less ceremoniously distant. A man so able as the financier cannot be without quick knowledge of the human heart.

But there were other surmises, taking such a commonplace view as that Miriam was the daughter of a merchant or financier, who had been ruined in a great commercial crisis; and, possessing a taste for art, she had attempted to support herself by the pencil, in preference to the alternative of going out as governess.

And when care and over-work in the telegraph business had made such an impression upon his health as to induce him to retire from its management, and give more attention to his private affairs, he was again found equal to the emergency, and has proved himself equally successful as a financier and business man generally, as he had before shown himself in organizing and building up the telegraph speciality.

The increase in the value of her property during the next five years, left the fortunate speculator with a fine profit when she sold her house at the end of that time, and rented a larger one; and as she was an excellent financier, it was not strange that, at the time Joy Irving appeared on the scene, "Mrs Connor's apartments" were as well and favourably known in Beryngford, if not as distinctly fashionable, as the Palace had been more than twenty years ago.

Each of the four men stood still, waiting for the little drama to end: a long minute. "Here are the papers, Mr. Murch," said the intermediary, at last, turning to the financier. "All right; let me look over them," said the other. Five minutes later the Salamander had ceased to exist.

Willie Law, a half-witted man, was the descendant of an ancient family, nearly related to the famous John Law, of Lauriston, the celebrated financier of France. Willie on that account was often spoken to and taken notice of by gentlemen of distinction. Posting one day through Kirkaldy, with more than ordinary speed, he was met by Mr.

One hears ever of the black sheep, the few luridly glaring failures, but never of the hundreds of great and noble lives which are England's strength." "By Jove!" said Lord Tancred, "you ought to be in the House of Lords, Francis! You'd wake them up!" The financier looked down at his plate; he always lowered his eyes when he felt things.

He constantly urged upon his agents the organization of the finances of the country and of the Mexican army. Immediately upon the arrival of the French, Napoleon had sent a financier, M. Budin, to put order into the country's resources. M. Budin was a commonplace, middle-aged little man, of mediocre ability, whose personality was not calculated to impress one with an idea of intellectual force.

She evidently saw this, but Worth answered her. "He's quite a financier, Bobs. He walked off with nearly a million cash to-day." "From you?" with a quick breath. "I'm the main loser if he gets away with it." "Tell me about it." And Worth gave her a concise account of the theft and his own share in the affair. She listened eagerly now, those innocent great eyes growing big with the interest of it.

Most of the world was at the level at which much of China remains to-day able to get along without even coinage. It was a rudimentary world from the point of view of the modern financier and industrial organiser.

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