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Updated: January 13, 2025
Henfrey had been drugged, for he was still alive and apparently dazed. I afterwards heard, however, that Howell had pressed the needle of a hypodermic syringe containing a newly discovered and untraceable poison which he had obtained in secret from a certain chemist in Frankfort, who makes a speciality of such things." "And what happened then?" asked Hugh, aghast and astounded at the story.
The favour accorded to Henry in high quarters, the speciality of his position, gave rise to a certain jealousy of him a jealousy, however, which his natural simplicity and good-temper prevented from ever becoming formidable.
"Oh no, there isn't an end of it!" said Sibyl. "What do you mean, Sibyl?" "I mean," said Sibyl, "that you have got to reward me for doing your horrid horrid, dirty work!" "You odious little creature! what do you mean? My dirty work! Sibyl, I perceive that I was mistaken in you. I also perceive that Martha West and the others were right. You are indeed unworthy to be a Speciality."
The blues, or smoke-coloured Pomeranians, have likewise their admirers, and among those who have taken up these as a speciality may be mentioned Miss Ives, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Loy, and Miss Ruby Cooke. Another colour which has attained of late years increasing popularity in England is orange.
His sons, following in his footsteps, kept also scandalous households, and seemed to dispute preeminence in evil with their father, each in his own manner. Drunkenness was the speciality of the eldest, Mouktar, who was without rival among the hard drinkers of Albania, and who was reputed to have emptied a whole wine-skin in one evening after a plentiful meal.
This union of the two extremes the embodiment of a general idea in the form of direct reality and the elevation of a speciality into connection with universal truth is brought to pass, at first sight, under the conditions of an utter diversity of nature between the two and an indifference of the one extreme toward the other.
Harriet was a woman of well-marked individuality and brilliant imagination. She could never separate fact from fiction in any form of narrative, and narrative was her speciality. She was always recounting something.
"I see," she said with an acid little laugh, "you have the Chatterer up here in your unholy of unholies." Her eyes fell on a small magazine which made a speciality of besmirching the good names of the entire country. "Everybody reads it, and everybody pretends to despise it."
Old Frau Brohl, too, kept green the memory of the departed friend. Her speciality now was the manufacturing of flags and banners since Paul had founded quite a number of Vereins among the settlers on his estate latterly a Military Verein, and one for Conservative electors.
The choice of a narrow speciality may be good in the industrial arts, but it is not good in painting, for the reason that a painter may at any time desire to include something in his picture which a specialist could not deal with. To feel as if the world belonged to him a painter ought to be able to paint everything he sees.
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