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Updated: January 27, 2025
In epitaphs, the deceased person is sometimes introduced by way of prosopopaeia, speaking to the living, of which the following is an instance, wherein the defunct wife thus addresses her surviving husband: "Immatura peri; sed tu, felicior, annos Vive tuos, conjux optime, vive meos." The following epitaphs, out of several others, are worth preserving. That of Alexander:
Immediately thereafter, while he sat nursing his wounds, the Annos had descended upon him just what he had expected. And for which he had made due preparation. That night two uncles and another brother stepped on poisoned thorns and died horribly. Thus the sum of lives owing the Annos had increased to five, with only a blind man from whom to collect.
In the thirteenth book Pomponia Graecina is described as changing not her weeds nor her lamenting spirit for "forty" years, mourning, too, as she was, not for a husband, a son or a father, but Julia, the daughter of Drusus, who was murdered by Messalina. "Nam post Juliam, Drusi filiam, dolo Messalinae interfectam, per 'quadraginta' annos, non cultu nisi lugubri, non animo nisi moesto egit."
May this new year be a very new one indeed to you; may you put off the old, and put on the new man! but I mean the outward, not the inward man. With this alteration, I might justly sum up all my wishes for you in these words: Dii tibi dent annos, de to nam caetera sumes. This minute, I receive your letter of the 26th past, which gives me a very disagreeable reason for your late silence.
CENTUM ET SEPTEM ANNOS: Kennedy, Gram., § 34, vii, c, says, 'in compound numbers above 100 the larger number, with or without et, generally precedes the smaller'; cf. Roby, Vol. 1 p. 443. CESSO: does not correspond in meaning with our 'cease', i.e.
May this new year be a very new one indeed to you; may you put off the old, and put on the new man! but I mean the outward, not the inward man. With this alteration, I might justly sum up all my wishes for you in these words: Dii tibi dent annos, de to nam caetera sumes. This minute, I receive your letter of the 26th past, which gives me a very disagreeable reason for your late silence.
This year doubtless marks the time when this treatise was written, else why selected? Vincitur. So long is Germany in being conquered. Liv. 9, 3: quem per annos jam prope triginta vincimus. Medio spatio. In the intervening period, sc. of 210 years. Samnis Galliaeve. But none of these were so sanguinary as their wars with the Germans. Admonuere, sc. vulneribus, cladibus==castigavere.
Iacobi Cnoyen Buscoducensis itinerarium per omnem Asiam, Affricam, et Septentrionem, olim mihi Amicus Antuerpiae ab alio mutuo acceptum communicauit, eo vsus sum, et reddidi: post multos annos eundem ab amico repetij et reminisci ille non potuit a quo accepisset. Gulielmi Tripolitani et Ioannis de plano Carpini scripta non vidi, tantum excerpta ex illis quaedam in alijs scriptis libris inueni.
But Jerry aided valiantly and well, adding to Nalasu's acute hearing his own acuter hearing, circling noiselessly about the house and reporting where the attack pressed closest. Much of their precious powder the Annos wasted, for the affair was like a game of invisible ghosts. Never was anything seen save the flashes of the rifles.
Respondit Patricius: "Faciam ego"; et dixit magus: "Nolo ego ad judicium ire aquae cum ipso; aquam etiam Deum habet"; because he heard that it was through water Patrick used to baptize. Et respondit rex: "Mittite igitur in igne"; et ait Patricius: "Promptus sum;" at magus nolens dixit; "Hic homo versa vice in alternos annos nunc aquam nunc ignem deum veneratur."
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