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Updated: September 24, 2024

This will be reconcilable with all that Pliny says, as well as with his being married when "young"; for he would then be 32 or 33, and his bride 22 or 23; for the daughter of Agricola was born when her father was quaestor in Asia "sors quaesturae provinciam Asiam dedit ... auctus est ibi filia."

The old man, seeing me sincere, began to comfort me; and the better to effect it, told me what formerly had happen'd to himself on the like occasion. "In Asiam cum a quaestore essem stipendio eductus, hospitium Pergami accepi.

Nec moram festinatio malorum fecit, quin Agareni, et Arabes, et Turci, alienae scilicet a Christo gentes, Syriam, et Lyciam, et minorem Asiam omnino, et maioris multas vrbes, inter quas et Ephesum, ipsam etiam Hierosolymam depopulati, super Christianos inuaderent. The same in English.

Volcatius gives this account of his death: Sed ut Afer sei populo dedit comoedias, Iter hic in Asiam fecit. Navem cum semel Conscendit, visus nunquam est. Sic vita vacat. When Afer had produced six plays for the entertainment of the people, He embarked for Asia; but from the time he went on board ship He was never seen again. Thus he ended his life.

Quare cum animum Euangelica lectione rite instituisset, transtulit sua studia ad rem Medicam, artem imprimis liberali ingenio dignam. Sed inter alia, ingens quaedam cupido videndi Africam, et Asiam, vastioris orbis partes, eius animum inuaserat.

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