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The Saone separated them from the Sequani on the south-east. The account of this campaign is unintelligible in Plutarch. Schaefer has the following note: "Aliter facturus erat Cyrneus, omnino inferior ille Romano." The Corsican is Napoleon. A stream flowed along each of two sides of the city. Alesia belonged to the Mandubii, who were dependants of the Ædui.

He never allowed himself to think, however men of his own time might judge him, that the future world would mistake him. "Aliquis fui inter vivos," he writes to Gondomar, "neque omnino intermoriar apud posteros." Even in his time he did not give up the hope of being restored to honour and power.

Neque extra sacra monumenta uspiam inveniri, quod mentem serenet. Deum pius adoravit, qui est. Intelligere de Deo, unice, volebat id, quod Deus de se intelligit. Eo contentus ultra nihil requisivit, ne idolatria erraret. In voluntate Dei sic requiescebat, ut illius nullam omnino rationem indagandam putaret.

QUID EST ... DIU: cf. Tusc. 1, 94 quae vero aetas longa est, aut quid omnino homini longum? ... quia ultra nihil habemus, hoc longum dicimus. For est see n. on 72. TARTESSIORUM ... GADIBUS: the whole of the south coast of Spain bore the name Tartessus, but the name is often confined to Gades, the chief city. FUIT: = vixit.

Times indeed have changed since the "Inviolable Constitutions" laid it down that nullus omnino Alumnus in Collegio detineatur, cuius futura; Chris-tianae pietatis significatio non extet. But only since 1900 has it been placed on a really sound and prosperous footing. An agricultural school has lately been added, under the supervision of a trained expert.

Why do you not now at this instant settle yourself in the state you seem to aim at, and spare all the labour and hazard you interpose?" "Nimirum, quia non cognovit, qux esset habendi Finis, et omnino quoad crescat vera voluptas." I will conclude with an old versicle, that I think very apt to the purpose: "Mores cuique sui fingunt fortunam."

Now consider St. Carlo’s direction, as quoted above: “Id omnino studebit, ut quod in concione dicturus est, antea bene cognitum habeat.” Now a parish priest has neither time nor occasion for any but elementary and ordinary topics; and any such subject he has habitually made his own, “cognitum habet,” already; but when the matter is of a more select and occasional character, as in the case of a University Sermon, then the preacher has to study it well and thoroughly, and master it beforehand.

"Ego jam tribus mensibus vaco Aristoteli, non tam discendi causa ad praesens, quam legendi, ac videndi, quid in quoque opere contineatur: nec est tamen omnino inutilis haec lectio; disco aliquid in diem, saltem superficie tenus, et haec est causa potissima, cur amor graecarum litterarum redierit, ut hunc virum quasi elinguem, et absurdum aliena lingua, cognoscam sua."

Primum habui semper sodalis sodalitates autem me quaestore constitutae sunt sacris Idaeis Magnae Matris acceptis epulabar igitur cum sodalibus, omnino modice, sed erat quidam fervor aetatis, qua progrediente omnia fiunt in dies mitiora.

IV. SED ... ARBITRARENTUR: these words are almost exactly repeated in Tusc. 1, 89 and 101. RUSTICI: cf. Arch. 24 nostri illi fortes viri sed rustici ac milites; also above, 24. OMNINO: see n. on 9. NUM IGITUR etc.: cf. 33 nisi forte et seq. CONSTANS: cf. n. on 33. NE ... QUIDEM: see n. on 27.

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