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Updated: January 26, 2025
Est et non longe ab ista insula regio seu insula Caua vel Chaua, quae a primo statu multum est minorata per mare. Hi sunt infidelissimi Paganorum. Nam quidam adorant Solem, alij Lunam, ignem, aquam, et terram, arborem, vel serpentem, vel cui de mane primo obuiant. Ibi magni mures, quos nos dicimus rattas, sunt in quantitate paruorum canum.
QUID EST ... DIU: cf. Tusc. 1, 94 quae vero aetas longa est, aut quid omnino homini longum? ... quia ultra nihil habemus, hoc longum dicimus. For est see n. on 72. TARTESSIORUM ... GADIBUS: the whole of the south coast of Spain bore the name Tartessus, but the name is often confined to Gades, the chief city. FUIT: = vixit.
Sect. 9. 2d. If the ceremonies be lawful to us because the law and ordinance of the church prescribes them, then either the bare and naked prescription of the church, having no other warrant than the church’s own authority, makes them to be thus lawful; or else the law of the church, as grounded upon and warranted by the law of God and nature. Not the first; for divines hold, legem humanum ferri ab hominibus, cum ratione procedunt ab illis aliis antegressis legibus. Nam legis humanae regula proxima est duplex. Una innata quam legem naturalem dicimus, altera inspirata, quam divinam, &c. Ex his ergo fontibus lex humana procedit: hoec incunabila illius
Siquidem Soldanus eorum lingua sonat nomen similis maiestatis, quo nos in Latino dicimus Caesarem, aut Imperatorem. Pro custodia huius Castri sunt ibidem omni tempore morantes sex millia personarum, et pro, seruiendo, dum ibi residet, ipsi Soldano, qui omnes de Curia eadem accipiunt necessaria, et donatiua.
On their side they are indignant with me for daring to question their decisions; but this will not deter me. 'Worms, in great haste, on the third day of the week: as I have determined to call it, instead of our unclassical Feria secunda, tertia, &c., or the heathen names, Monday, Mars' day, Mercury's day, Jove's day. Scholastici, vt nos dicimus, artium.
It is the answer solemnly made to the solemnly asked question by the Court of Love held by the Countess of Champagne in 1174, and registered by Master Andrew the King of France's chaplain: "Dicimus enim et stabilito tenore firmamus amorem non posse inter duos jugales suas extendere vires."
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