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Updated: December 8, 2024
Now, as the beasts put forth their power by their horns, so this ecclesiastical beast of the earth makes the image by his horns. In short, history explains the symbols. The Roman clergy, the horns, the cardinals, create the Pope; and, in their own ceremonial and language, quem creant, adorant, "whom they create, they adore;" like all other idolaters. They are always distinct.
"Il se fit de sa vie une plus male idee: Sa douleur d'un seul trait ne l'avait pas videe; Mais, adorant de Dieu le severe dessein, Il sut la porter pleine et pure dans son sein, Et ne se hatant pas de la repandre toute, Sa resignation l'epancha goutte a goutte, Selon la circonstance et le besoin d'autrui, Pour tout vivifier sur terre autour de lui."
Est et non longe ab ista insula regio seu insula Caua vel Chaua, quae a primo statu multum est minorata per mare. Hi sunt infidelissimi Paganorum. Nam quidam adorant Solem, alij Lunam, ignem, aquam, et terram, arborem, vel serpentem, vel cui de mane primo obuiant. Ibi magni mures, quos nos dicimus rattas, sunt in quantitate paruorum canum.
Omnium hominum Imperatoris sigillum. Sciendum quoque quod quamuis populi ibi dicuntur, et sunt Pagani, tamen et rex et omnes credunt in Deum immortalem, et omnipotentem, et iurant per ipsum appellantes, Yroga, id est, Deum Naturae. Sed nihilominus colunt et adorant idola, et simulachra aurea, et argentea, lapidea, lignea, filtria, lanea, et linea. The English Version.
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