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Updated: January 18, 2025

Her coarse shoes rang harshly on the smooth, bare floor. She sank into a stiff, hand-made chair and sat staring into vacancy. The bend of her back had never been more pronounced. "The idee," she muttered, "o' my goin' over my trouble as ef that amounted to a hill o' beans ur would be a bit o' comfort!

But ye should give up the idee o' footin' it to Cornwall; ye'll never git there without a liftin'." "I'll have a good try, anyway," rejoined Helmsley. "Good-night!" He turned towards Tom o' the Gleam. "Good-night!" "Good-night!" And Tom's dark eyes glowed upon him with a sombre intentness. "You know the old proverb which says, 'It's a long lane which has never a turning'?"

"Wall," says he, takin' his hand down, and winkin', a sort of a shrewd, knowin' wink, but a sad and dejected one, too, as I ever see wunk, "I didn't have no idee of stoppin' votin'." Says I coldly, as cold as Zero, or pretty nigh as coldblooded as the old man, "Did you write that article jest for the speech of people? Didn't you have no principle to back it up?"

It wuz lucky that I took his glasses along, or I might never hev seen him or the Sioux. I don't want to brag, but that wuz one o' my happy thoughts." "You had nothing to do with taking the glasses, Tom Bent," said Brady seriously. "Why, it wuz my own idee!" "Not at all. The idea was in your head but it was not put there by your own mind.

"I ain't mentionin' names," Perry replied, "and I ain't givin' the name of the other man; but I have an idee you could guess if you kep' at it." Our valley does not bloom with beautiful young women. We always have a few, but those few can be counted on one's fingers. Our valley does not number among its men many who can supplement their sentimental attentions with gifts of books. I knew of one.

With this wind, we might shove the ship in with the land in the course of two or three days, and go clear of everything! I like the idee, and think it can be carried out. Burdux is always full of Americans, and there must be men enough, to be had for the asking, knocking about the quays."

"I'm surprised to hear you, you should talk that way, Felix." "Well, when you are seeing year in and year out a feller goes to every concert what is, Abe," Felix explained, "naturally you get an idee he is in the music business ain't it?"

A good enemy in a lonesome country means more to that man than her best friend's widower means to a maiden aunt. You bet. "Red and me differs there, I know, but his idees gets sifted through that crop of red alfalfa he wears, whilest I present a clean proposition to any idee that comes boundin' o'er the lee, or to wind'ard, or any direction she chooses to bound.

"And of the Americans, too, Captain Poke," I ventured to observe. "Why, Sir John, that is as it may happen. I don't well see how Fulton could have stolen the idee, seeing that he did not know the Doctor, and most probably never heard of Leaphigh in his life."

"The who?" he inquired. "Judge Garvin." "Aw!" his laugh was hearty and prolonged. "So that's the idee that's bitin' yer? The jedge thinks I'm in Virginny. In fact, stranger, I am in Virginny. I just seems ter be here, but I hain't. I brought yer here because yer'd done been firin' off yer face ter the effect that yer thought yer saw me shoot at yer from the laurel.

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