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Updated: September 22, 2024

He seized his hat and made for the elevator door, which he had almost reached when Abe grabbed him by the arm. "Mawruss," he cried, "are you crazy? What for you should put yourself out about this here young feller? He ain't the last shipping clerk in existence. You could get plenty good shipping clerks without bothering yourself like this.

As though the half-conscious professor were a child, he lowered him to the slanting deck. "Only room for one o' you!" roared Cap'n Trainor. "Only one! We're overloaded as 'tis. Better wait." "You'll take him!" shouted Cap'n Abe, and dropped his burden at Lawford Tapp's feet. The next moment the lifeboat shot away from the side of the wreck, leaving the Man Who Was Afraid marooned upon her deck.

"Miss Cohen," he said, "draw a check for twenty-five dollars to bearer, and enter it up as a gratification to Hyman Maimin." At dinner that evening Morris handed the check over to his wife. "Here Minnie," he said, "Abe wants you should buy a wedding present for a customer." "What kind of a wedding present?" Mrs. Perlmutter asked.

"I'm short of sleep anyhow and a day of rest will do me good." Abe went with his friends to the door beyond which the two boys from Clary's Grove sat as if sound asleep. It is probable, however, that they had heard what Samson had said to Abe. "Well, I didn't know these wild turkeys were roosting here," Abe laughed.

"I thought I told it you that Louis Feinholz's nephew got an insurance business on Lenox Avenue, and I promised Louis I would give the young feller a show." "You promised you would give him a show, Mawruss?" Abe repeated. "You promised Louis you would give that kid nephew of his what used to run Louis' books a show?" "That's what I said, Abe," Morris answered.

"They'uns 's plum sick o' doggin' hit for Abe Lincoln an' quit." "Let 'em gin up thar guns, then," said the foremost man, who had but one eye, reaching for Shorty's musket. "I'll take this one. I've been longin' for a good Yankee gun for a plum month to reach them Yankee pickets on Duck River."

You see it's pretty nigh a deadly offence to refuse to drink with a man; and if it got noticed that none of us ever went into a bar, there are men here who would make a point of asking us to drink just for the sake of making a quarrel if we refused." "I allow there's something in that," Abe said; "there's no surer way of getting into a mess among a set of men like this than in refusing to drink."

"A wet night and a blind trail do pretty well at mixing things up," observed Laramie. "However, we needn't make any further secrets. Abe, here, has got it in his mind to head for a hospital tonight. You," he looked at Kate, "are heading for home. I don't like either scheme very much but I'm an innocent bystander. We'll ride three together till the trails fork.

He led the way up the front stoop of the tenement and knocked at the first door on the left-hand side. There was no response. "They must be out. Ain't it?" Abe suggested. Morris faced about and knocked on the opposite door, with a similar lack of response. "I guess they go out to work and lock up their rooms," Morris explained. "We should have came here after seven o'clock."

"I hope you're right, Mawruss," Abe replied as he rang the bell for the freight elevator. "It would be a fine comeback if he should return them goods on us after we give his nephew the insurance we did." Again he pressed the elevator bell. "What's the matter with that elevator, Mawruss?" he said. "It takes a year to get a package on to the sidewalk."

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