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"'R.S.V.P.," Morris replied, emphasizing each letter with a motion of his hand, "means 'Remember to send vedding present." "But," Abe rejoined, "when I went to night school, we spelt 'wedding' with a W." "A greenhorn like Maimin," said Morris, "don't know no better." "He knows enough to ask for a wedding present, Mawruss," Abe commented, "even if he don't know how to spell it.

"This is only the tenth of the month." "I know it," said Abe. "We should have had a check by the tenth of last month, but" here Abe's eye lit upon an envelope directed in the handwriting of Hyman Maimin "I guess there was some good reason for the delay," he went on evenly. "Anyhow, here's a letter from him now." He tore open the envelope and hurriedly removed the enclosed letter.

It is claimed that he transferred assets to the amount of eight thousand dollars last week. Mr. Maimin says that he has been doing business at a heavy loss of late, but that he hopes to be able to resume. A settlement of thirty cents is proposed. Morris sat down in a revolving-chair too crushed for comment, and drummed with a lead pencil on the desk.

"I hope it was a nice one, Mawruss," Abe went on "I hope it was a real nice one. I'm sorry now, Mawruss, we didn't spend fifty dollars. That would have made it an even seven hundred, instead of only six hundred and seventy-five, that Hyman Maimin owed us." "What d'ye mean?" cried Morris. "I don't mean nothing, Mawruss nothing at all," Abe said, with ironical emphasis.

We'll send him a wedding present, Mawruss! We'll send him a summons from the court, that's what we'll send him!" Morris shook his head. "That ain't no way to talk, Abe," he said. "If a customer gets married, we got to send him a wedding present. It don't cost much, and if Hyman Maimin gets a couple of thousand dollars with this Miss Miss " "Advance Credit Clothing Company," Abe helped out.

It was headed, "The Advance Credit Clothing Company Marcus Bramson, Proprietor," and read as follows: MESSRS. POTASH & PERLMUTTER. GENTS: Your shipment of the 5th is to hand, and in reply would say that we are returning it via Blue Line on account Miss Tillie Bramson's engagement is broken. We understand that lowlife H. Maimin got into you for six hundred and fifty dollars.

If they was only so prompt with checks as they was to claim deductions, Mawruss, you and me would have no worries. I think some of 'em finds a shortage in the shipment before they open the packing-case that the goods come in. Take your friend Hyman Maimin, of Sarahcuse nothing suits him.

He handed the paper to Morris. "Here, look for yourself!" He pointed with a trembling forefinger at the "business-troubles" column, and Morris's eyes seemed to bulge out of his head as he scanned the printed page: A petition in bankruptcy was filed late yesterday afternoon against Hyman Maimin, 83 West Tonawanda Street, Syracuse.

"Faith it's small blame to the English. We're a mighty hard race to make head nor tail of. And that's a fact. Prayin' at Mass one minnit and maimin' cattle the next. Cryin' salt tears at the bedside of a sick child, and lavin' it to shoot a poor man in the ribs for darin' to ask for his rint." "They're not IRISHMEN," came from the sick bed.

When Morris Perlmutter entered the private office he found Abe Potash in the absorbed perusal of the Daily Cloak and Suit Record. Abe looked up and saluted his partner with a malignant grin. "Well, Mawruss," he said, "I suppose you sent that present to Hyman Maimin?" "I sent it off long since already," Morris replied.