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Updated: January 1, 2025

There is no bustle, no noise, no eager nor anxious look of served or servants. Every one is calm, collected, and comfortable. "The cares that infest the day" do not ride into the presence of that roast beef and plum pudding on the wrinkles of any man's forehead, however business affairs may go with him outside. No one is in a hurry to sit down or to arise from the table.

Celia told him this on the third day, late in the afternoon so late that the westering sun was already touching the crests of the oak woods, and all the thickets had turned softly purple like the bloom on a plum; the mounting scent of phlox from the garden was growing sweeter, and the bats fluttered and dipped and soared in the calm evening sky.

So you git plum out o' yere, an' tell yer friend Farnham he better take more care o' his females, or some of 'em are liable ter get hurt." There was the harsh crunch of a footstep in the darkness, another figure suddenly slid down the smooth surface of rock, dropping almost at the pony's head. The animal shied with a quick leap, but a heavy hand held him captive.

One of our friends in Chicago sent quick word ahead of you to tell me all about it, and Strang, the king, doesn't know!" He spoke the last words in intense earnestness. Then, suddenly, he held out his hand. "Young man, will you shake hands with me? Will you shake hands? and then we will go to St. James!" Captain Plum thrust out a hand and the old man gripped it.

"An' no men ever worked more plum slavish ner faithful then what you men have ternight." "That hain't nothin' more left ter do now," said Parson Acup, "unless hit be ter go home an' pray." But Alexander shook her head with a vigorous and masculine determination. "No, thar's still one thing more ter do. I want thet when you men goes home ye send me back a few others fresh men.

I drove in between scattered burr oaks like those of the Wisconsin oak openings, and stopped my cattle in an open space densely sheltered by thickets of crabapple, plum and black-haw, and canopied by two spreading elms. Virginia started up, ran to the front of the wagon and looked about. "Where are we?" she asked. "This is our hiding-place," I replied. "But that man won't he follow our tracks?"

"If they'll only follow the receipt I gave them " said Miss Willmot. "If," said Digby. "But those cooks are rotters." "Anyhow," said the Major, "there'll be a decent dinner. Roast beef, plum pudding, oranges, and then all the things you have for them in the canteen. They'll not do badly, not at all badly." He rubbed his hands together and smiled with benevolent satisfaction.

But to-night she was moved by the positively human sentiment which had been stirred in her by Carnaby's startling act of cutting the plum tree down. Ah! let fools believe if they could that she was angry with the boy! She had never felt anger less or pride more.

I see a man settin' it on the platform jest as I seen son's face in the window, and it went plum out of my head. There's eight jars of home-made quince jam in that trunk that I made myself. I wouldn't have nothin' happen to them jars for a red apple." Away to the door she trotted, spry and anxious, and then Calliope Catesby spoke out to Buck Patterson: "I just couldn't help it, Buck.

"The quicker we get away the better," said Jack, begining to move laboriously toward the grand plaza, with Plum close behind him. In that slow, tedious way the two crossed the yard in front of the town house, and then steering for the cover of a line of shrubbery bordering on the west side of the plaza, they crawled as fast as they could in that direction.

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