Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 28, 2025
Two good pairs of boots, and a pair of slacks. Then, as regards sleeping. You may get separated from your valise, though, so take a ground-sheet in your pack. Then you will be ready to dine and sleep simply anywhere, at a moment's notice. As regards comforts generally, take a 'Tommy's cooker, if you can find room for it, and scrap all the rest of your cuisine except your canteen.
The eyes flew open and, after a heavy gathering of the brows bespeaking the effort made, focussed upon Howard's. 'Agua, pleaded the swollen lips. Howard took up a sardine tin, the contents of which he had eaten while he rested, and, very careful not to spill a drop of the priceless fluid, poured it half full from his canteen.
"What! So near as that? We can make it by mid-afternoon." The girl smiled. "You might, if you hurried enough. It's only forty miles away on a beeline." Lennon stared, openly incredulous: "Forty miles?" "Near fifty-five by way of the water-holes forty to the ranch. We'll strike for the nearest tank. I've noticed your canteen has been empty some time. Here's mine."
In an Austrian officers' canteen where Czech soldiers had been abused the whole evening by being called cowards, the Prussian officers present were asked to give their opinion on this point. They answered, 'We shall only be able to judge as to whether the Czechs are cowards or not when they begin to fight against us.
Guard duties were carried out when I was there by members of The Gloucester Regiment, the "Glosters", regulars and we used to mingle with them in the canteen in our off-duty periods, being introduced to army songs that we joined in with gusto as a pianist accompanied us.
The aunt whom she was visiting had the entire responsibility for the free-refreshment-room for one of the shifts for two nights in the week; her shift began at six and ended at nine o'clock. Punctually at nine o'clock another member of the canteen, or "barrow-fund," as it was called, took the responsibility off her hands and kept it until two-thirty a.m.
Those "mah-sheen" gunners in blue on the railroad who stroked their field pets with pride and poured steady lines of fire into the pine woods where lay the Reds who were encircling the Americans with rifle and machine gun fire. How the Yankee soldiers liked them. And many a pleasant draught they had from the big pinaud canteen that always came fresh from the huge cask.
Jackson, overtook Bedinger and Charley Boteler, with a canteen of French brandy which a surgeon-friend in town had given them. As a return for a drink, I asked Bedinger to ride a piece on my horse, which, for some time, he declined to do, but finally said, "All right; get down."
It was all one to him where he lived: was there not beer in the canteen? and if one paid for it the canteen-keeper, despite the prohibition, would let one have a case of bottled ale. The non-coms, of course would drink with him; then they would all be a pleasant company together. He was right in his calculations: none of them could withstand the good cigars and drinks which he distributed freely.
Well, a comrade in suffering has a claim on a man, so I'll make the best of it." As he concluded this soliloquy, the trooper took a seat and began to whistle, to convince himself how little he cared about the matter, when, by throwing his booted leg carelessly round, he upset the canteen that held his whole stock of brandy.
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