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In what way?" "In every way, sir, sure was not it he that had improved, and fostered, and made the town of Colambre? no thanks to the proprietor, nor to the young man whose name it bears, neither!" "Have you any porter, pray, sir?" "We have, sir, as good, I hope, as you'd drink in London, for it's the same you get there, I understand, from Cork.

For portage, it was affixed centrally and in an upright position to two long poles; these, a porter in front and another behind grasped at the ends, easing the burden by straps passed over the shoulders. The box was high enough for the passenger to stand in it.

And then there is a 'Masterman Ready, or some name like it, by Captain Marryat, also popular with young readers. Or 'Seaward's Narrative, by Miss Porter, would delight her, as it did me, not so many years ago. I mention these books, but know nothing of their price; and only because you asked me, I do mention them.

At Dover she bought a paper, and hastily scanned its pages as she walked along the platform in the wake of the capable porter who had taken possession of her rugs and hand baggage. In the personal column she found the very paragraph she sought. "We regret to announce that Mr.

Clendon seemed to consider for a moment; as if he had expected this difficulty. He wrote the single letter "W" on a piece of paper he found in his pocket, and handed it to the man. "Please give this to his lordship," he said, still with that quiet air of dignity and composure which had impressed the porter, against his will.

When Richard Talbot went up to fulfil his duties as gentleman porter at the lodge the courts seemed well-nigh deserted, and a messenger summoned him at once to the Earl, whom he found in his bed-chamber in his morning gown terribly perturbed. "For Heaven's sake send for your wife, Richard Talbot!" he said.

Of course, I did not give audible expression to this thought in the First Lord's room; but, on coming down-stairs, I had a talk about it in the hall with my friend, the late Mr. Nutland, the porter, who laughed, and said, "Why, sir, you may buy a wilderness of monkeys at Exeter 'Change." "True! true!" and off I hurried in a Hackney coach. Mr.

Thus wrote Chetwood, whose good fortune it was to see Oldfield, and Porter, and a host of other famous players, not forgetting, in later days, the wonderful Garrick himself. Unlike several of her ilk, Mistress Porter could play the heroine off the stage as well as on.

The porter looked up in surprise, which increased when he caught sight of the ferocious face of the speaker. But he was not to be intimidated so easily. "Messer Angelo is not to be disturbed at his studies," he said. "If you wait till noon, perhaps he will come out to go to dinner." "Perhaps!" repeated Aristarchi, still hanging by his hands. "Do you think I shall wait all day?" "I do not know.

Some secret sympathy touched my heart.... Alas! poor child! But how came you to know her? 'All Alexandria knows the shameless abomination, interrupted a voice at their elbow none other than that of the little porter, who had been dodging and watching the pair the whole way, and could no longer restrain his longing to meddle.

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