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Updated: January 1, 2025

In hac est illa spelunca duplex, quae seruat ossa sanctorum Patriarcharum, Abrahae, Isaac, et Jacob, Sarae, et Rebeccae, consistitque ad radicem montis, et habetur super istam cum propugnaculis ad modum castri constructa pulchra Ecclesia.

Siquidem Soldanus eorum lingua sonat nomen similis maiestatis, quo nos in Latino dicimus Caesarem, aut Imperatorem. Pro custodia huius Castri sunt ibidem omni tempore morantes sex millia personarum, et pro, seruiendo, dum ibi residet, ipsi Soldano, qui omnes de Curia eadem accipiunt necessaria, et donatiua.

The inscription reads: P. ALOISIVS FARNESIVS DVX I. CASTRI ET NEPETE MVNIMENTVM HOC AD TVTELAM CIVITATIS EXSTRVXIT. MDXL. Towards the end of September, Cæsar entered Romagna with seven hundred heavy men at arms, two hundred light horsemen, and six thousand foot soldiers. First he advanced against Pesaro for the purpose of driving out his former brother-in-law.

In the other is Duke Orazio taking as his wife the daughter of King Henry of France, with this inscription: HENRICUS II, VALESIUS, GALLORUM REX, HORATIO FARNESIO CASTRI DUCI DIANAM FILIAM IN MATRIMONIUM COLLOCAT, ANNO SALUTIS 1552.

Muratori, in exposing the plagiarism, is surprised at the impudence of Reduxis stating that, at the time he wrote the account, he was enjoying some leisure moments as Castellan of the "great Castle of Brescia": "nihil enim agens, dum custodiae vacarem Castri magni Brixiae, aliquid agere," &c.

On the side toward the city the ruined stronghold is entered through a gateway above which is inscribed in the fair characters of the Renaissance, YSV VNICVS CVSTOS. PROCVL HINC TIMORES. YSV. This leads into a rectangular court surrounded by walls now in ruins. The inscription P. LOISIVS FAR DVX PRIMVS CASTRI on the door frame shows that this was also the work of the Farnese.

They take pride in tracing their descent from the followers of George Castriote, or Scanderbeg, who was born at Castri in their territory, and their prince, Prenk Bib Doda, confidently asserts that the world-renowned Scanderbeg was his own ancestor. They consider, therefore, that it would disgrace the memory of their heroic forefathers to fight as mere hirelings.

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