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Updated: January 4, 2025

"Meehaul Neil," said she, "we're now upon the Common, where no ear can hear what passes between us. I ax have you spirit to keep your sister Ellen from shame and sorrow?" The young man started, and became strongly excited at such a serious prelude to what she was about to utter. "Millia diououl! woman, why do you talk about shame or disgrace comin' upon any sister of mine?"

"Ceade millia diaoul, hundred thousand devils!" exclaimed Rob, rising and striding through the hut, "My sons weavers! Millia molligheart! but I wad see every loom in Glasgow, beam, traddles, and shuttles, burnt in hell-fire sooner!"

'O, if he's a follower of yours he must be looked to; I'll send Callum to you; but diaoul! ceade millia mottigheart, continued the impatient Chieftain, 'what made an old soldier like Bradwardine send dying men here to cumber us? Callum came with his usual alertness; and, indeed, Waverley rather gained than lost in the opinion of the Highlanders by his anxiety about the wounded man.

But DIAOUL!-CAEDE MILLIA MOLLIGHEART! continued the impatient Chieftain, 'what made an old soldier, like Bradwardine, send dying men here to cumber us? Callum came with his usual alertness; and, indeed, Waverley rather gained than lost in the opinion of the Highlanders, by his anxiety about the wounded man.

The distinction of the patrician as a hereditary order from the very institution, engrossing all the magistracies, was indeed the destruction of Rome; but to a knight or one of the equestrian order, says Horace, "Si quadringentis sex septem millia desunt, Plebs eris."

Rooney's eyes as she reeled backward on the floor. "Take that, you owld faggot!" cried Matty, as she shook Mrs. Rooney's tributary claret from the knuckles which had so scientifically tapped it, and wiped her hand in her apron. The old woman roared "millia' murthur" on the floor, and snuffled out a deprecatory question "if that was the proper way to be received in her son's house."

The water pipe had burst, and a stream, like a fountain, was now steadily falling into the cellar. "Bless their hearts!" exclaimed the old woman, "they haven't forgotten the poor. The dochthor's sent the water at last and I must lie still and take it." The first shock of the invading flood was a severe one. "Millia murther!" she exclaimed, "how could it is!

'O, if he's a follower of yours he must be looked to; I'll send Callum to you; but diaoul! ceade millia mottigheart, continued the impatient Chieftain, 'what made an old soldier like Bradwardine send dying men here to cumber us? Callum came with his usual alertness; and, indeed, Waverley rather gained than lost in the opinion of the Highlanders by his anxiety about the wounded man.

Ceterum, ubi compositos firmis ordinibus sequi rursus videre, in fugam versi, non agminibus, ut prius, nec alius alium respectantes, rari et vitabundi invicem, longinqua atque avia petiere. Finis sequendi nox et satietas fuit: caesa hostium ad decem millia: nostrorum trecenti sexaginta cecidere: in quis Aulus Atticus praefectus cohortis, juvenili ardore et ferocia equi hostibus illatus.

Claudius triremes quadriremesque et undeviginti hominum millia armavit, cincto ratibus ambitu, ne vaga effugia forent; ac tamen spatium amplexus, ad vim remigii, gubernantium artes, impetus navium, et proelio solita.

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