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Updated: September 1, 2024

Yet, vain as he was, it may well have represented his sincere feeling in those better moods when mental suffering was strong enough to silence vanity. His visions mastered him for these thirteen years, grande mortalis oevi spatium.

For more than twenty or even thirty years, twice the grande mortalis aevi spatium, it may misuse its authority with impunity, may practically invalidate a law voted by all the other powers, or a policy unanimously accepted by public opinion.

Horace clipped and squared his blocks more carefully before he laid the monument which imber edax, or aquila impotens, or fuga temporum might assail in vain. But let not all be looking forward to a future, and fancying that, "incerti spatium dum finiat aevi," our books are to be immortal.

Cum volet illa dies, quae nil nisi corporis hujus Jus habett, incerti spatium mihi finiat oevi. OVID. Met. xv. 873. Come, soon or late, death's undetermin'd day, This mortal being only can decay. WELSTED. IT seems to be the fate of man to seek all his consolations in futurity.

The present number of the Review marks the close of a task which was confided to me no less than fifteen years ago grande mortalis cevi spatium, a long span of one's mortal days.

Brevi deinde Britannia consularem Petilium Cerialem accepit. Habuerunt virtutes spatium exemplorum.

Earlier in his career he expresses in language less definite, but still sufficiently clear, his ideas as to another world: "An vero tam parvi animi videamur esse omnes, qui in republica, atque in his vitæ periculis laboribusque versamur, ut, quum, usque ad extremum spatium, nullum tranquillum atque otiosum spiritum duxerimus, vobiscum simul moritura omnia arbitremur?"

Tam immensum terrarum spatium non tenent tantum Chauci, sed et implent: populus inter Germanos nobilissimus, quique magnitudinem suam malit justitia tueri: sine cupiditate, sine impotentia, quieti secretique, nulla provocant bella, nullis raptibus aut latrociniis populantur. Id praecipuum virtutis ac virium argumentum est, quod, ut superiores agant, non per injurias assequuntur.

But the most common fame went, that he was sticken with a dagger by the handes of the duke of Gloceter." "Parcat Deus", adds he, "spatium poenitentiae Ei donet, Quicunque sacrilegas manus in Christum Domini ausus est immittere. Unde et agens tyranni, patiensque gloriosi martyris titulum mereatur."

Johnson expressed himself much satisfied with the application. On another day after this, when talking on the subject of prayer, Dr. Brocklesby repeated from Juvenal, 'Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano, and so on to the end of the tenth satire; but in running it quickly over, he happened, in the line, 'Qui spatium vitae extremum inter munera ponat,

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