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-Humana ante oculos foede cum vita iaceret In terris oppressa gravi sub religione, Quae caput a caeli regionibus ostendebat Horribili super aspectu mortalibus instans, Primum Graius homo mortalis tendere contra Est oculos ausus primusque obsistere contra. Ergo vivida vis animi pervicit, et extra Processit longe flammantia moenia mundi Atque omne immensum peragravit mente animoque-.

Missus igitur Petronius Turpilianus, tanquam exorabilior: et delictis hostium novus, eoque poenitentiae mitior, compositis prioribus, nihil ultra ausus, Trebellio Maximo provinciam tradidit. Trebellius segnior, et nullis castrorum experimentis, comitate quadam curandi provinciam tenuit.

It is just the description that Horace makes of such a finished piece; it appears so easy, "Ut sibi quivis Speret idem, sudet multum, frustraque laboret, Ausus idem." And besides all this, it is your lordship's particular talent to lay your thoughts so chose together that, were they closer, they would be crowded, and even a due connection would be wanting.

To comprise your merits in a few words, the lines of Martial addressed to Trajan, whilst serving under Dioclesian, may be deservedly applied to you: "Laudari debes quoniam sub principe duro, Temporibusque malis, ausus es esse bonus." And those also of Virgil to Mecaenas, which extol the humanity of that great man: "Omnia cum possis tanto tam clarus amico, Te sensit nemo posse nocere tamen."

He notes the stages and points to which his plans have reached; he indicates, with a favourite quotation or apophthegm "Plus ultra" "ausus vana contemnere" "aditus non nisi sub persona infantis" soon to be familiar to the world in his published writings the lines of argument, sometimes alternative ones, which were before him; he draws out schemes of inquiry, specimen tables, distinctions and classifications about the subject of Motion, in English interlarded with Latin, or in Latin interlarded with English, of his characteristic and practical sort; he notes the various sources from which he might look for help and co-operation "of learned men beyond the seas" "to begin first in France to print it" "laying for a place to command wits and pens;" he has his eye on rich and childless bishops, on the enforced idleness of State prisoners in the Tower, like Northumberland and Raleigh, on the great schools and universities, where he might perhaps get hold of some college for "Inventors" as we should say, for the endowment of research.

Very little is wanting but some one ausus contemnere vana; and when the future Thucydides or the future Carlyle sets to work, he will be freed, by the labour of others, alike from the paucity of materials that a little weakened Thucydides, and from the brute mass of them that embittered the life of Carlyle. Not so much is to be said of the remaining divisions or departments individually.

Johnson, who reminds us also of a saying of Aristotle himself, that as students we ought first to examine and understand what has been written by the ancients, and then cast our eyes round upon the world. And Johnson prefaces both quotations by another: Tibi res antiquae laudis et artis ingredior, sanctos ausus recludere fontes.

P. S. I teach young Gentlemen the whole Art of Gallanting a Fan. N. B. I have several little plain Fans made for this Use, to avoid Expence. No. 103. Thursday, June 28, 1711. Steele. ... Sibi quivis Speret idem frusta sudet frustraque laboret Ausus idem ... Hor.

Carvilio collega quiescente, C. Flaminio tribuno plebis, quoad potuit, restitit agrum Picentem et Gallicum viritim contra senatus auctoritatem dividenti, augurque cum esset, dicere ausus est optimis auspiciis ea geri, quae pro rei publicae salute gererentur; quae contra rem publicam ferrentur, contra auspicia ferri. 12 Multa in eo viro praeclara cognovi, sed nihil admirabilius quam quo modo ille mortem fili tulit, clari viri et consularis.

-Humana ante oculos foede cum vita iaceret In terris oppressa gravi sub religione, Quae caput a caeli regionibus ostendebat Horribili super aspectu mortalibus instans, Primum Graius homo mortalis tendere contra Est oculos ausus primusque obsistere contra. Ergo vivida vis animi pervicit, et extra Processit longe flammantia moenia mundi Atque omne immensum peragravit mente animoque-.

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