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CONTRA SENATUS AUCTORITATEM: 'against the expressed wish of the senate' Senatus auctoritas is, strictly speaking, an opinion of the senate not formally embodied in a decree, senatus consultum. Cicero, in Invent. 2, 52 says Flaminius carried his law contra voluntatem omnium optimatium. So in 54 lenientem A. 290, a; G 668; H 549, 1.

Ann. 1, 13: cum Tiberii genua advolveretur; also lavantur, 22. Eo tanquam. Has reference to this point, as if, i.e. to this opinion, viz. that thence, etc. Cf. illuc respicit tanquam, 12. Inde From the grove, or the god of the grove. Cf. 3: Tuisconem ... originem gentis. Adjicit auctoritatem, sc. isti superstitioni. Magno corpore==reipublicae magnitudine. Corpore, the body politic.

N.B. In the above I speak of the Bishops as men interested in a litigated estate. God forbid, I should seek to justify them as Christians. Ib. p. 369. 'Quære'. Whether in the 20th Article these words are not inserted; 'Habet Ecclesia auctoritatem in controversiis fidei'.

Tenebat non modo auctoritatem, sed etiam imperium in suos: metuebant servi, verebantur liberi, carum omnes habebant; vigebat in illo animus patrius et disciplina. 38 Ita enim senectus honesta est, si se ipsa defendit, si ius suum retinet, si nemini emancipata est, si usque ad ultimum spiritum dominatur in suos.

So above, omnis ... molestias; 7 multorum ... senectutem; 9 mirificos ... fructus; 21 civium ... nomina; 33 minus ... virium; 53 multo ... fecundior; etc. etc. See also n. on 15 quam sit iusta. A. 344, c, d, e; H. 561, III. ESSET: condition omitted. MAIOREM AUCTORITATEM: cf. Lael. 4. APUD QUEM: 'at whose house'; so 55 a me, 'from my house'. A. 153; G. 417; H. 446, n. 4.

I know not what the binding of the conscience is, if this be not it: Apostolus gemendi partes relinquit, non cogendi auctoritatem tribuit ministris quibus plebs non auscultat. And shall they who call themselves the apostles’ successors, compel, constrain and enthral, the consciences of the people of God?

Non cani nec rugae repente auctoritatem arripere possunt, sed honeste acta superior aetas fructus capit auctoritatis extremos. 63 Haec enim ipsa sunt honorabilia, quae videntur levia atque communia, salutari appeti decedi assurgi deduci reduci consuli, quae et apud nos et in aliis civitatibus, ut quaeque optime morata est, ita diligentissime observantur.

Quorum non in sententia solum, sed etiam in nutu residebat auctoritas. Habet senectus, honorata praesertim, tantam auctoritatem, ut ea pluris sit quam omnes adulescentiae voluptates. XVIII. 62 Sed in omni oratione mementote eam me senectutem laudare, quae fundamentis adulescentiae constituta sit.

If we would know the true reason which made the converted Jews to observe those days, it was not any mystical use, but that which made them think themselves obliged to other Mosaical rites; even propter auctoritatem legis, saith Junius; for albeit they could not be ignorant, that these rites were shadows of things to come, and that the body was of Christ, in whom, and in the virtue of whose death they did stablish their faith, yet they did not at first understand how such things as were once appointed by God himself, and given to his people as ordinances to be kept by him throughout their generations, could be altogether abolished, and for this cause, though they did condescend to a change of the use and signification of those ceremonies, as being no more typical of the kingdom of Christ, which they believed to be already come, yet still they held themselves bound to the use of the things themselves as things commanded by God.

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