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The negotiations, therefore, begun with Denmark and Tuscany, we protracted designedly, until our powers had expired; and abstained from making new propositions to others having no colonies; because our commerce being an exchange of raw for wrought materials, is a competent price for admission into the colonies of those possessing them; but were we to give it, without price, to others, all would claim it, without price, on the ordinary ground of gentis amicissimæ.

Quidam autem, ut in licentia vetustatis, plures deo ortos pluresque gentis appellationes, Marsos, Gambrivios, Suevos, Vandalios, affirmant; eaque vera et antiqua nomina.

Bæda's "Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum," a work of which I have spoken in my text, is the primary authority for the history of the Northumbrian overlordship which followed the Conquest.

And the idea was that some friend of Gawdy's not a relation, because he had none, poor devil! he was the last of his line: kind of spes ultima gentis must have planned to get hold of Francis's boy and put an end to his line, too.

Like many of its brethren in the more courtly vicinity of the metropolis, this amoenum hospitium peregrinae gentis then had its peculiar renown for certain dainties of the palate; and various in degree and character were the numerous parties from the neighbouring towns and farms, which upon every legitimate holiday were wont to assemble at the mansion of mine host of the Jolly Angler, in order to feast upon eel-pie and grow merry over the true Herefordshire cider.

In 1857, a Dutch medical school was started in Yedo. Since the political upheaval in 1868, Japan has made rapid progress in scientific medicine, and its institutions and teachers are now among the best known in the world. See Y. Fujikawa, Geschichte der Medizin in Japan, Tokyo, 1911. OGRAIAE gentis decus! let us sing with Lucretius, one of the great interpreters of Greek thought.

Ann. 1, 13: cum Tiberii genua advolveretur; also lavantur, 22. Eo tanquam. Has reference to this point, as if, i.e. to this opinion, viz. that thence, etc. Cf. illuc respicit tanquam, 12. Inde From the grove, or the god of the grove. Cf. 3: Tuisconem ... originem gentis. Adjicit auctoritatem, sc. isti superstitioni. Magno corpore==reipublicae magnitudine. Corpore, the body politic.

However, as to this, I expressed to Count de Vergennes my hopes that it would be continued; and should a doubt arise, I should propose, at the proper time, to claim it under the treaty on the footing gentis amicissimæ. After all, I believe Mr. Boylston has failed of selling to Sangrain, and from what I learn, through a little too much hastiness of temper.

The following fragments will give some idea of its tone. Of Dido he says: -Blande et docte percontat Aeneas quo pacto Troiam urbem liquerit. Again of Amulius: -Manusque susum ad caelum sustulit suas rex Amulius; gratulatur divis-. Part of a speech where the indirect construction is remarkable: -Sin illos deserant for tissumos virorum Magnum stuprum populo fieri per gentis-.

A pamphlet which was at the time disseminated amongst the people openly called him the heir of Holland; and his engraved portrait, which was publicly exhibited, bore the boastful inscription: Sum Brederodus ego, Batavae non infima gentis Gloria, virtutem non unica pagina claudit.