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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Then, I tell you what," exclaimed Kitty, "I'd like to bet with you that you are wrong that I'll be the most popular girl in the whole of the school with the teachers yes, with the teachers and the scholars as well." "You must be very conceited," exclaimed Elma, who had sat silent during the greater part of the evening, taking Kitty in, however, all the same. "Conceited?

Helen asked, laughing. "Dear me, Ruthie! Don't you begin to act the Miss Prim please! We'll have no fun at all if you do." "But we don't want to make the bad beginning of getting Mrs. Tellingham and the teachers down on us right at the start," said Ruth, in a worried manner. "I don't know but that you are a Miss Prim!" ejaculated Helen.

Teachers are here expressed, but pastors omitted; and therefore well might governors be mentioned instead of pastors. Answ. 1. Then, according to his judgment, pastors were a distinct kind of officers from teachers; otherwise the naming of teachers would have sufficiently implied pastors, without the addition of the word governors, one act or function of the office being put for the whole office.

The solidarity of the human family in all its generations has been brought home to us in countless ways by modern teachers; we are members one of another, and as we scan the cross this is a family catastrophe in which the actors are our kinsmen, and the blood of the Victim stains us as sharers of our brothers' crime.

Many of the first colored teachers of the District of Columbia obtained their education in these schools. The colored schools of the District of Columbia soon resumed their growth recovering most of the ground they had lost and exhibiting evidences of more systematic work.

I was a pauper, I knew not where to turn for necessaries, and I owed my instruction to my teachers' charity. The provision my father made for my education was sorrow, desolation, distress, estrangement from my friends and banishment from my family. And do you then claim to have the use of my skill, the absolute control of what was acquired independently?

He began to announce his theories to the world, and found followers, as teachers of these views generally do, a proof that they satisfy an instinct in the human breast. Solitary country life anywhere is productive of such views. Disciples, or "adepts," began to make pilgrimages to the prophet.

School began late in the fall and closed early in spring, with teachers often inefficient; yet because she was a close student and kept her books where she could take a peep and memorize and think as she washed dishes and cooked, she had thoroughly mastered all the country school near her home could teach her.

The university having been founded, endowed, and supplied with its, teachers, it was solemnly consecrated in the following winter, and it is agreeable to contemplate this scene of harmless pedantry, interposed, as it was, between the acts of the longest and dreariest tragedy of modern time.

In the papal city there were numerous teachers who conducted schools, and swarms of young scholars, ambitious academicians, sought their fortune at the courts of the cardinals in the capacity of companions or secretaries, or as preceptors to their illegitimate children. Lucretia, also, received instruction in classic literature from these masters.

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