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"'I don't know whether I can or not till I try, says she. She felt like Miss Ruthie did eh?" and the long guide chuckled. "No tellin' whether you kin do a thing, or not, till you have a whack at it. "'Don't you try it, Aunt Sally, says Charlie. 'He might kill you. "'I won't give him a chance at me, says she. 'Now boys, let me out and mind jest what I say.

I'd not ask any favors of America's enemies," he concluded, picking up his spade and turning back to his work. "It wouldn't be a favor to ask for what belonged to me," Ruth answered sharply. But Gilbert's words made her more hopeful; Winifred was sure that Gilbert was right, and that Hero would come safely home. "Come up to my room, Ruthie; Mother has given me her scrap-bag.

She lived with a widowed mother, and had no brothers and sisters, so that she appeared much older than she really was. She liked to talk with grown people upon wise subjects, as if she were at least twenty-five years old. Susy knew that this was not good manners, and she longed to say so to Ruthie. Aunt Madge was in Prudy's sitting-room when Ruthie entered.

"Ruthie, what gown shall you wear to-night? your dark grey one, I suppose?" asked Miss Benson. "Yes, I suppose so. I never thought of it; but that is my best." "Well; then, I shall quill up a ruff for you. You know I am a famous quiller of net." Ruth came downstairs with a little flush on her cheeks when she was ready to go.

"See yonder! isn't that more snow coming?" "Bah!" exclaimed Lluella, interrupting, "What's a little snow?" "Cautious Ruthie is usually right," said Madge Steele, frankly. "Let's go back." "But we've scarcely got anything in the bags yet!" wailed Jennie Stone. "All this walk on these clumsy old snowshoes for nothing?"

"I almost thought 'twould go clear through, and come out at the top of my foot." Katie took a peep. "No, it didn't," said she; "it hided." "There, there, poor little dear," said grandmother; "we'll put her right to bed. Ruthie, don't you suppose you and I can carry her up stairs?" Not a word yet about the naughtiness; but plenty of pity and soft poultices for the wounded foot.

"Humph!" her chum observed, "I begin to believe it will be just as much a honeymoon car with you and Tom in it as with that other couple. 'Bless you, my children!" She ran back to the big car with this saucy statement. Tom grinned, slipped behind the wheel, and started the roadster slowly. "It must be," he observed in his inimitable drawl, "that Sis has noticed that I'm fond of you, Ruthie."

Then she drew a chair up opposite her mother, and they smiled happily at each other across the small table. Mrs. Pennell declared that her foot was much better. "I am sure your Aunt Clara will return with Gilbert," she continued, "but even then I am afraid you will have to do a good deal more than ever before, Ruthie, dear, for Aunt Clara is not yet fully recovered from her illness."

This letter will be fearfully long. How sharp he is, isn't he?" Then she scribbled again. Ruth had the benefit of many side remarks. "My!" Marion said, with an accompanying grimace. "What an army of books! All for Sunday-schools. Three millions given out every Sunday! Does that seem possible! Brother Hart, I'm afraid you are mistaken. Didn't he say that was Dr. Hart's estimate, Ruthie?

Ruth sighed, when the camera points were severally decided upon, "after these shots are taken we can head East for good." "Why, Ruthie! I thought we were having a dandy time," exclaimed Helen. "Have you lost your old love for the wild and open places?" "I certainly will be glad to see a porcelain bathtub again," yawned Jennie, breaking in.

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