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Before the searching party could have reached the brookside, had the tunnel been perfectly straight, the nervous Belle Tingley wanted to send out a relief expedition. "We never should have allowed Ruthie to go," she wailed. "We all should have kept together.

Ruthie says, 'That Susy Parlin keeps her drawers in a perfect tumble; she isn't orderly a bit. Susy Parlin never knit a stitch for the soldiers in her life. Mother, mayn't I stop playing with Susy Parlin?" Susy laughed, and looked a little ashamed.

"Let's run away, Ruthie," whispered Helen. "The very first chance we get sure we will!" agreed her chum. They found the door unlocked, and, as nobody stayed them, the two girls descended the steps to the ground. A cross-looking dog came and smelled of them, but the bold-looking girl who had brought the supper the night before drove him away.

"I thought you'd lost your grip, but I see you haven't. You are the same old Ruthie Fielding, after all." Mr. Hammond and the actors with him had no idea of the nature of the accident that had happened to the Stazy. From the extreme end of Beach Plum Point they could merely watch proceedings aboard the craft, and wonder what it was all about.

Dotty knew she was doing wrong every time she played "King and Queen." She knew the milk was not hers, but Mrs. Gray's; still she said to herself, "Ruthie needn't give so much measure, all pressed down and run over. If Queenie and I should drink a great deal more, there would always be a quart left. Yes, I know there would." Mrs.

That pen cost five dollars, I allow; but them papers only had writing on 'em, and it does seem to me that what you have writ once you ought to be able to write again. That's the woman of it. She don't say a thing about that pen, Ruthie don't." However, Tom Cameron saw farther into the mystery than Uncle Jabez appeared to.

I have found it the only way in which to keep my head above water. Ruthie, the trouble is not with me, it lies with those selfish and obstinate newspaper men. If they would have the sense to let their papers wait over another day I could go to the lecture this morning. As it is, I am a victim to their indifference. If I miss a blessing the sin will be at their door, not mine."

"To make you look 'fetching'?" "Naw'm. I put dat ol' red sash-bow up dar to 'tract 'tention." "To attract attention?" repeated Ruth. "Why do you want to attract attention?" "I don't wanter, Miss Ruthie." "Then why do you wear it?" "So folkses will look at my haid." Agnes and Neale were vastly amused, but Ruth pursued her inquiry.

"Come on down and dance the first foxtrot with me, sweetness. You'll like it. Honest you will, when you get started." "Oh, I couldn't" reiterated Ruth. "That is nonsense. Of course, you could," objected Tony. "It is just your notion, Ruthie. You have kept away from people so long you are scared. But you would get over that in a minute and truly it would be lots better for you.

"It's wonderful!" she cried, when the three came back, glowing with the exercise. "Do you suppose I can ever learn that, Tom?" "Why, Ruthie, you're so sure of yourself on the skates that I believe I could teach you to roll very easily. If Miss Reynolds will allow me?" "Go on, Master Tom," the teacher said, laughing. "But don't go too far away. We are nearing the boat now."