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Updated: August 26, 2024
She sat on the edge of the bed and yawned, putting her hand to her forehead. "I've sure got a head on me," she remarked. Janet was silent, angrier than ever, shocked that tragedy, degradation, could be accepted thus circumstantially. Lise proceeded to put up her hair. She seemed to be mistress of herself; only tired, gaping frequently.
There's a fight in the streets, called one of the damsels down the stairs, at the highest pitch of her voice. 'I shan't go, yawned a huge fellow, who was lying on his back on a sofa. 'Oh come up, my hero, said one of the girls. 'Such a charming riot, and the Prefect himself in the middle of it! We have not had such a one in the street this month.
"Oh! ah what was it you asked?" Foster yawned aloud. "I musta been asleep." "I guess you musta been, all right," Bud grunted. "Do you want breakfast here, or don't you? I've got to stop for gas and oil; that's what I was asking?" The two consulted together, and finally told Bud to stop at the first garage and get his oil and gas.
Rosalind had yawned softly and largely behind her as she went down the front steps. Wicked, monstrous creature! Lying about Gilbert's clever, nervous, eager life in great soft folds, and throttling it. If Gilbert had been a man, a real male man, instead of a writer and therefore effeminate, decadent, he would have beaten her into decent behaviour.
Lies about a woman are perfectly correct, though I'm hanged if I can see how they can all three be lying about one woman. That seems a bit thick, I must say." To Sir Peter's surprise, nobody made any reply. Charles yawned, James whistled, and Winn kept his eyes steadily fixed on Lady Staines. "Those were orders then," Lady Staines observed in a dry quiet voice. "I thought it very likely.
"Of course!" "When Mr. Mannering was here last," Hester said, "he asked me whether Sir Leslie Borrowdean was a friend of yours. I fancy that they are political acquaintances, but I don't think that they are on very good terms." Mrs. Phillimore laid down the mirror and yawned. "Well, there's nothing very strange about that," she declared.
'Oh, vague stories, you know: scandal, I daresay. No one ever believed them. He could be so agreeable if he chose; and my lord, who is so very particular, would never have kept him as agent if they were true; not that I ever knew what they were, for I consider all scandal as abominable gossip. 'I'm very glad I yawned in his face, said Mr. Gibson. 'I hope he'll take the hint.
The dignity of his breed forbade man-handling, and at a safe distance he stretched himself nervously and yawned. Jimmie stepped to the railing of the veranda, raised his foot to a cleat of the awning, and swung himself sprawling upon the veranda roof. On hands and knees across the shingles, still warm from the sun, he crept to the open window.
But the gulf of conventionality yawned between them, and there seemed no likelihood of its ever being bridged. Sometimes she condemned the man for not being adventurous, for not taking his courage in both hands and speaking to her without an introduction. At other times she told herself that his not doing this proved him to be a gentleman, in spite of what Sir Seymour Portman had thought him.
He moved over to the couch and sat on the edge of it, absent-mindedly toying with her hand. "She's very lovely," Myra agreed. "Why didn't you sing?" he suddenly asked. "I didn't need to." The little smile was back, fastened to her lips. A certain unfamiliar embarrassment fell between them. She made no effort to dissipate it. He yawned. "Well, you should have. Heavens! it's late! Two o'clock.
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