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Give them only grain and clean feed, such as you would give horses or cattle. Hogs do not like to be filthy." The boys outside the door had been listening. Lou nudged his brother. "Come, the horses are done eating. Let's hitch up and get out of here. He'll fill her full of notions. She'll be for having the pigs sleep with us, next." Oscar grunted and got up.

But Juve looked in vain for the pocket-book which the man had doubtless been in the habit of carrying about with him: the pocket-book probably containing some means of identification. The inspector merely grunted, got up, began pacing the room, and questioned the concierge. "Did M. Gurn have a motor-car?" "No, sir," she replied, looking surprised. "Why do you ask?"

There, there, we can't always have brains as well as beauty. What have we for lunch? Stew? How did I know? Elementary, my dear Watson the smell of onions is unmistakable." "Talk away," grunted the man. "It's little enough time you'll have to talk in, maybe." The remark was unpleasant in its suggestion, but Tommy ignored it. He sat down at the table.

It is in the heart of the wildest country on the continent, and surely if such a rich find had been made we would have heard something about it at Wabinosh House or Kenegami, which are the nearest points of supply." "Or, if it was found, the discoverer is dead," added Rod. "Yes." In the stern, Mukoki nodded and grunted his conviction. "Dead," he repeated.

At all events she was trying to make them for some one of you boys; probably it was really for Bertram, though." "Humph!" grunted Cyril. Then, after a minute, he observed: "I judge Kate thinks Billy'll never make them for anybody. I'm afraid Sister Kate isn't pleased." "Oh, but Mrs. Hartwell was was disappointed in the wedding," apologized Marie, quickly.

"But there's such a lot of the stuff," grunted Josh. "We must have a hundred and fifty sticks on the sled." "All of that," nodded Gage. "If the stuff goes oh accidentally, when we're near " "Then our troubles will be over," said Gage grimly. "I'm not so all-fired anxious to have my troubles over that way," grumbled Josh. The other man said nothing, but he looked extremely thoughtful.

And without further demur she complied. The moment he lifted her she knew that his strength was fully equal to the venture. His arms were like steel springs. He grunted a little to himself as he bore her across, but he neither paused nor faltered till he set her upon the bank. "The mem-sahib will soon see the road to Kundaghat," he observed then. "She has but three miles yet to go."

The fellow grunted a surly and none too respectful assent, and left the room to fetch the duke his wine. Silence followed on his departure for some seconds. Then the duke came up to where I stood, folded his arms, and looked me full in the face. "It is difficult to lose the pleasure of your company, sir," he said.

My mother and father'll tend to him. They won't mind." "Humph!" grunted the long-nosed man. "Well, let's see. But I don't intend to break my back for some no-'count trash such as this is. Come," he ordered, to the figure. "Get out o' here." He grasped the figure by the arms and pulled him forward. Charley tried to get behind and boost.

Day, with wondering satisfaction, more than once declared, "it does seem as though your Pa, Marty, has a whole lot more time to gad abeout now than he use ter yet we're gettin' along better. I don't understand it." "Huh!" grunted Marty. "See all the work I do. Don't ye s'pose that counts none?" Janice merely smiled quietly as she heard this conversation.

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