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Updated: September 16, 2024

Juve happened to glance casually at the nearest leaf, and uttered an exclamation of surprise and gratification. "Gad, here's something interesting!" and he drew the magistrate's attention to some little pilules of earth with which the plant was peppered. "What is that?" enquired M. de Presles.

Were you aware of that?" "No, what of it?" "This woman has been murdered ... or rather ... has not been murdered ... you understand, Juve, has not been murdered." "Has not been murdered, very well!"

It would be impossible for me to arrest him just then; but at a quarter to twelve, midnight at latest, it will be quite easy for me to put my hand on the collar of de Naarboveck Fantômas! I shall not bungle it!" "Juve! You and your mysteries are maddening!" "My dear Fandor, do pardon me for not being more explicit. I told you Naarboveck was out of reach as far as arresting him goes.

The public's calling for the murderer. I place myself in your hands. What do you suggest?" Juve thought a moment. For the time being Fandor was safe, but he was still very far from being out of the woods. "Monsieur Annion," he replied at length, "there is just one method of procedure in this case.

"And therefore," Juve broke in, "this is a mere blind, from which we may certainly draw the conclusion that the murderer wished to make us believe that the door was forced, whereas in reality it was opened to him by the Marquise. Therefore the murderer was personally known to her!" "The murderer was personally known to her," he repeated.

And had Lady Beltham intended to save Juve or had she intended to save Fantômas? It was finally arranged that Juve should go to the America Hotel and call on the pseudo Grand Duchess Alexandra, and that Fandor should see Marie Pascal. They were about to put this project into execution when a loud knocking at the door startled them.

Without a moment's hesitation he put out his light and darted behind the curtains. It was a good position to take up for he could see without being seen. The footsteps drew near, the door opened and a light from an electric lantern similar to the one Juve had used, was thrown into the room. The individual advanced to the bed, all unaware of Juve's presence.

He had said to himself after that, "De Naarboveck, Vagualame, Fantômas, are but one." Juve had reassured de Loubersac: he declared that Wilhelmine had spoken the truth, that she certainly was Thérèse Auvernois and the most honest girl in the world. Juve calmed and finally convinced de Loubersac.

Might not Juve, with his known mania for associating all crimes with each other, be going just a little too far in the present instance? "You have got some idea in the back of your head?" said M. Fuselier. "I've got a a scar in the palm of my hand," Juve answered with a smile, and as the magistrate confessed that he failed to understand, Juve enlightened him.

"Who is Muller?" "Why, the watchman on the second floor." "Oh, ah, yes; and who turned him out?" "I think his name is Juve." "Oh ho!" Julot muttered to himself. "I thought as much!"

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