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Updated: December 31, 2024

My employer was pleased with me, and after I had served him for some time he sent me over to Carlingford, where I remained for a year managing his business, which was to dispose of the goods landed from the luggers. It was here that, by constantly associating with the people of the country, and seldom meeting Frenchmen, I learned to speak English with considerable fluency.

"I'd like to know why you think so?" from Jack. "He did not show very good breeding." "But there is a certain something about his face that makes me believe he comes from a high-grade family. I think he has become lowered by associating with bad companions." "Well, I don't care who or what he is," declared Jack; "if he gets fresh around me again, I'll crack him one for luck.

"Ah," he exclaimed, "that woman became criminal only from associating with me! I carried the infection of crime with me, and she has caught it as she would the typhus fever, the cholera, the plague! And yet I have punished her I have dared to tell her I have 'Repent and die! But no, she must not die; she shall live, and with me. We will flee from Paris and go as far as the earth reaches.

But he unfortunately addicting himself from childhood to drinking and lewd company, soon plunged himself into all manner of wickedness, and quickly brought on a fatal necessity of stepping into the road of the gallows; and associating himself with Sanders and Minsham, they had all gone together upon the road for about six weeks before they were taken.

Men may wear the cutaway coat if the luncheon is a formal one while for simpler affairs the sack coat or summer flannels, when the season is appropriate, may be worn. Of course one cannot mention the words "afternoon tea" without immediately associating it with merry England. At first lordly Englishmen would have none of him but he didn't care.

Well, you are considerate enough, God knows, of those dirty brats and ignorant louts coddling that girl, Rebecca, who is a good-hearted creature enough, but not fit for respectable people to touch their hands to; and associating with such conceited boors as that George Olver, and that grinning clown, Harvey, and that poor fool, Lovell Barlow, and that what-d'ye-call him that fiddling young devil with the bird-like name "

It was this habit of associating to himself, in full recognition and grateful remembrance, those who followed and fought with him, that enthroned Nelson in the affections of his men; nor will it escape observation that the warmth, though so genuine, breathes through words whose quietness might be thought studied, were they not so transparently spontaneous.

Both her hands sought the support of the table. "This poor child has had unwillingly to suffer the fact of associating with those not pure." "Ach, Fraulein! What you say!" ejaculated Clara. In the silence the leaves of the chestnut tree tapped one against the other. Miriam listened to them... there must be a little breeze blowing across the garden. Why had she not noticed it before?

It is now two full generations since women as well as men have worn this dress, and the idea of associating it with men more than women would occur to no one but a professor of history. It strikes us merely as the only natural and convenient solution of the dress necessity, which is essentially the same for both sexes, since their bodily conformation is on the same general lines."

In brief, it is by associating them all with God. It is as the field of His working that our past is best remembered. It is on Him that our hopes may most wisely be set. It is keeping His commandments which is the consecration of the present. Let us, then, take the three thoughts of our text and cast them into New Year's recommendations.

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