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Fandor interrupted: "I hope my friend, my dear friend, Juve, does not run any risk!... I beg of you, Monsieur, to tell me whether he is in danger!... You see, I am free now."... "Attention, Monsieur Fandor!" de Naarboveck cut in. "Bear in mind that you are an escaped prisoner, that your flight must not be known! Be on your guard, then! As to your friend, Juve, be reassured on that point!"

"Pardon," objected de Naarboveck, cool, collected, while Juve had difficulty in containing himself: "Pardon, but the credentials I possess are authentic, and no one in this world can deprive me of my function, of my official position, and what pertains to it." "Yes!" Juve flung the word at de Naarboveck as though it were a stone from a sling. De Naarboveck's gesture might mean anything: "Who?"...

She was encompassed by vague and agonizing terrors. Out in the night Juve, wandering restlessly, awaited his hour! This time! Ah, this time! He murmured: "I shall be in the stronghold of the enemy at last!" The Baron de Naarboveck and his daughter, Wilhelmine, were comfortably seated before a wood fire in the library.

"By what chance?" began de Loubersac. Bobinette interrupted: "It is rather I who might ask you that, Monsieur Henri!... As for me, I have been spending four days with my family at Rouen.... I asked for a holiday and Monsieur de Naarboveck very kindly granted it ... but you?" De Loubersac was nervously chewing the end of his blonde moustache.

"That is obvious, is it not?" replied one of the new-comers.... "You may be assured, Baron, that neither my friend Fandor nor I would have allowed ourselves the liberty otherwise."... "I know! I know, Monsieur Juve!... Besides I was expecting you!" An ironic smile curved the lips of de Naarboveck.

The stupefied journalist heard a familiar voice crying: "Look out, Fandor! It is Naarboveck we must take! Go it! Go it!" The studio was plunged in darkness: a door banged: Fandor staggered, driven violently back into the middle of the studio. He felt a man was rushing away. "He escapes! He escapes!"

Bobinette touched on the various stages of her life up to the day when she came in contact with the Baron de Naarboveck. The care she had lavished on the youthful Wilhelmine gained the gratitude of the rich diplomat and his daughter. From that time they treated her as one of themselves: she became Mademoiselle de Naarboveck's companion.

"Yes," replied de Naarboveck with his ironic smile: "and it was you, Monsieur Juve, who got yourself arrested in that disguise!" "That is a fact." Juve's admission was matter-of-fact. "Do you recall a certain conversation, Monsieur de Naarboveck, between detective Juve and the real Vagualame at Jérôme Fandor's flat?"

He thought better of it. He was pretty sure the girl doubted his genuineness. This arrest under her eyes would persuade her that the Vagualame they were taking to prison was the real Vagualame.... Better that she should cherish this delusion for the present. Once out of the de Naarboveck house, he could explain matters to his colleagues.

When making this deliberate mistake in the name, Juve looked squarely at the diplomat but de Naarboveck made no sign. "What, then, do you refer to, Monsieur Juve?" he asked.