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My friend, Leslie Wheeler, had left Cambridge a few months before my summons home, in order to enter his father's office in Moorgate Street. His father was of the mysteriously named tribe of "financial agents," and had evidently found it a profitable calling.

Her apartment was closed, the butler and his wife and all of their hastily recruited company being in the country, awaiting her arrival from town. Leslie attended to everything. He lent his resourceful man-servant and his motor to his lovely sister-in-law, and saw to it that his mother and Vivian sent flowers to the ship.

"By the way, what made you so late to-night?" questioned Leslie, suddenly changing the subject. "I thought you'd never come!" "Oh, I meant to tell you right away, but all this put it out of my head. When I got home after the ride, I found only Father there. He said Ted had been away most of the afternoon. He'd gone down to the village after some new fishing-tackle and hadn't come back yet.

Harley had seen the angry looks of Frank Hazeldean, and divined the cause. So he smiled forgivingly at the slight he had received. "You are like me, Mr. Hazeldean," said he. "You think something of the heart should go with all courtesy that bespeaks friendship "'The hand of Douglas is his own." Here Harley drew aside Randal. "Mr. Leslie, a word with you. If I wished to know the retreat of Dr.

I never set so much by her mother's looks as some did, but growin' things has blooms as much as they have roots and prickles and even them Thachers will flower out once in a while." One morning Dr. Leslie remembered an old patient whom he liked to go to see now and then, perhaps more from the courtesy and friendliness of the thing than from any hope of giving professional assistance.

Dick Moore is dead has been dead all these years and Leslie is free?" "Yes. The truth has made her free. Gilbert was right when he said that verse was the grandest in the Bible." "Tell me everything, Anne, dearie. Since I got your phone I've been in a regular muddle, believe ME. Cornelia Bryant was never so kerflummuxed before." "There isn't a very great deal to tell. Leslie's letter was short.

"Oh, my! how it rains!" "Yes, it does come down," said Leslie. "You will have to play out your game under umbrellas, I fear," said Lynch. "Yes, and with pattens on the feet." "Why, if it keeps on much longer, we shall be able to bathe in the playground; just look at the pools," said one boy. "Look at the river; how it has risen," said Leslie.

He has now been over sixteen years in prison, and has therefore paid dearly for thwarting your will, and his wife has all this time been confined in a convent. They are the father and mother of this brave lad Colonel Leslie, who commanded your majesty's regiment of Scotch Dragoons, and his wife, the Countess Amelie of Recambours.

Nassau-Senior, the conversationalist, had been one of the best-known men in the political-literary world of London and of Paris, from 1820 to 1860, she knew a very large number of distinguished men and women of the middle Victorian epoch. By this I mean such men as Thackeray, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Leslie Stephen, Mr. Justice Stephen, Sir Mountstuart Grant-Duff, Sir Louis Mallet, Mr.

They sat down on the rococo settee to talk, Leslie, quick of eye, wondering what had happened to give Estelle that unusual air, an air of no, it was indefinable. Excitement had a share in it, and possibly chagrin, and, it almost seemed, exaltation. The chief thing about it, however, was that she was trying to conceal it; doing her best, but it was a poor best, to appear natural.

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