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Updated: November 28, 2024

"Yes; that's my idea of teaching botany. Text-books are so dry and dull, I think." "So do I," said Midge; "I looked in a botany book once, and it was awful poky. Tell us more, Miss Hart." "Not to-day, dearie; it's one o'clock, and school is over for to-day." "One o'clock!" both girls exclaimed at once; "it can't be!"

"Yes, dearie, yes, we'll come out under the plum tree, we will," echoed Mrs. Prettyman. "See, Nursie, take my arm, I'll help you out into the warm sunshine," Robinette said. They progressed very slowly, the old woman leaning with all her weight upon the arm of her strong young helper. Then under the flickering shade of the tree they sat down together for their talk.

"Hurry up with it," said Victoire in urgent, imperative tones; and Charolais left the room at a run. "Oh, what a life you lead!" said Victoire, or, to be exact, she wailed it. "Are you never going to change? You're as white as a sheet.... Can't you speak, dearie?" She stooped and lifted his legs on to the couch.

"'Sh-h-h, dearie! Try to tell me slow, dearie, for pa's and ma's sake, so so we can fix it up somehow." "We can't fix it up. The old man 'ain't got the money and and he can't stand it." "For God's sake, Izzy, tell me or I'll go mad! Slow, dearie, so Renie can think and listen and help you. She's with you, darling, and nothing can hurt you. Now begin, Izzy, and go slow.

"I'm glad if she ain't one o' the scared kind," he pursued, as if to himself. "Oh, this is splendid," declared Jewel, relieved by her companion's smile; "I don't know as Anna Belle ever had such a good ride. See the trees, dearie! How the leaves are coming out! They aren't nearly so far out in Chicago; but oh," as the horse turned, "there's a big storm coming! What a black cloud!

I would just like to see any other man or woman try it," and she looked defiantly both at Andrew and Christina. "I ran the risk of losing my berth to come here," said Jamie. "More fool, I. I have been called 'thief' and 'loon' for doing it. I came for your sake, Christina, and now you must go with me for my sake. Come away, my dearie, and there is none that shall part us more."

MacDonald to quote." "Nevermind Dr. MacDonald to-night, dearie. Sing us a few words of Robert Burns. It would be an ill heart that could not get cheery in his company. I bought the bonniest likeness of him yesterday. What a handsome lad he was!" "I always fancy he must have looked like Joseph. The Talmud says all the women in Egypt loved Joseph.

In the second place her mental attitude toward the whole idea was not conducive to aid or comfort, for at her side stalked always the Harrington pride of name and race, and on her lips was the constant moan: "Oh, Pollyanna, Pollyanna, to think of the Harrington homestead ever coming to this!" "It isn't, dearie," Pollyanna at last soothed laughingly. But Mrs.

It would be telling us all, if we behaved ourselves in our several stations the way your faither does in his high office; and let me hear no more of any such disrespectful and undutiful questions! No that you meant to be undutiful, my lamb; your mother kens that she kens it well, dearie!"

And I want you to remember, dearie, that it was Mary Lamb who introduced the other Mary to Shakespeare, by reading to her the manuscript of the "Tales." And further, that it was the success of the "Tales" that fired Mary Cowden-Clarke with an ambition also to do a great Shakespearian work.

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