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Updated: September 23, 2024

EFFLUXISSET: subjunctive because the mood of posset, to which it stands in subordinate relation Cum here is purely temporal. See Roby, 1778; A. 342; G. 666; H. 529, II. POSSET: see n. on esset above, 3. SI ... SOLETIS ... SUMUS: the apodosis and protasis do not exactly correspond; the sense really required is 'if that wisdom for which you admire me does exist, it lies in this', etc.

The voice sounded more faintly: 'Now you have naught further to think of than the goodly words of Ecclesiastes: "Et cognovi quod non esset melius, nisi laetare et...." The voice died dead away with the closing of the door. And as a torch passed, Throckmorton knew that the King had waited there whilst light was being made in Katharine's room.

To which he replies "Si ilia concubina sit valde bona et utilis economa, et sic nullam aliam possit habere, esset absolvendus." From the prior decisions, combined with numberless others which might be extracted from the works of the Romish authors, it is obvious, that the violations of the seventh commandment, are scarcely enumerated by the Papal priesthood among venial sins.

A general remark, applicable to any such province. Hence the present, for which some would substitute erat or esset. Ne incresceret, sc. ipse: lest he should become too great, i.e. rise above his superior and so excite his jealousy. Referred by W. to ardorem for its subject. But then ne incresceret would be superfluous. Consularem, sc. Legatum==Governor, cf. 7, note. Petilius Cerialis. Cf. 17.

Solitude was, doubtless, terrible to those who were the first inventors of this practice: "Quum in se cuique minimum fiduciae esset," for naturally any company whatever is consolatory in danger.

Unde autem et Joannes venit in medium?... Si nihil omnino administrasset Joannes ... nemo discipulos Christi manducantes et bibentes ad formam discipulorum Joannis assidue jejunantium et orantium provocasset.... Nunc humiliter reddens rationem, quod non possent jejunare filii sponsi quamdiu cum eis esset sponsus, postea vero jejunaturos promittens, cum ablatus ab eis sponsus esset.

And to render this digression from my own studies the less uneasy to my mind, I recollected and often thought of that rule in Lilly: Qui docet indoctos, licet indoctissimus esset, Ipse brevi reliquis doctior esse queat. He that the unlearned doth teach may quickly be More learned than they, though most unlearned he.

Ay, ay, Asinus fortis accumbens inter terminos, as the Vulgate hath it Ay, ay, Vidi terrain quod esset optima, et supposui humerum ad portandum, et factus sum tributis serviens I saw this land of England, and became an overburdened king thereof." "You are indeed well loaded, my dear dad and gossip," said the Duke of Buckingham, receiving the papers which King James emptied out of his pockets.

Pitt, whose speech upon this particular point was, he said, the most powerful and convincing of any he had ever heard. Indeed they, who had not heard it, could have no notion of it. It was a speech, of which he would say with the Roman author, reciting the words of the Athenian orator, "Quid esset, si ipsum audivissetis!"

The explanation of the imperfect in such cases is that it marks out, more clearly than the pluperfect would, the fact that the action of the principal verb and the action of the dependent verb are practically contemporaneous. In our passage if quaesitum esset had been written it would have indicated merely that at some quite indefinite time after the question was put the answer was given. Cf.

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