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He appears to have inherited his audacity through his pedigree, descending, as it was ludicrously enough asserted he did, from a chief of the Caninefates, the ancient inhabitants of Gelderland, called Brinio. And Brinio the Caninefat had been as famous for his stolid audacity as for his illustrious birth; "Erat in Caninefatibus stolidae audaciae Brinio claritate natalium insigni."

Erat autem satis formosus, et valens, et vltra modum in verbis et factis maturus, et principalis, et satis diligebatur a suis, magis tamen metuebatur, et erat epilepticus, nemine tamen sciente.

Quo magis est facinus diri Stilichonis acerbum, Proditor arcani qui fuit imperii, Romano generi dum nititur esse superstes, Crudelis summis miscuit ima furor. Dumque timet, quicquid se fecerat ipse timeri, Immisit Latiæ barbara tela neci. Visceribus nudis armatum condidit hostem, Illatæ cladis liberiore dolo. Ipsa satellitibus pellitis Roma patebat, Et captiva prius, quam caperetur, erat.

Philosophy has obliged me in determining that so brave an action had been indecently placed in any other life than that of Cato; and that it only appertained to his to end so; notwithstanding, and according to reason, he commanded his son and the senators who accompanied him to take another course in their affairs: "Catoni, quum incredibilem natura tribuisset gravitatem, eamque ipse perpetue constantia roboravisset, semperque in proposito consilio permansisset, moriendum potius, quam tyranni vultus aspiciendus, erat."

Animam quidem ejus, ut de Africano ait Seneca, in coelum, unde erat, rediisse, mihi persuadeo.

Anno post must not be translated 'during the year after'; but either 'a year after', anno being regarded as the ablative of measure or excess, literally 'later by a year', or 'at the end of a year', the ablative being one of limitation, and fuerat being equivalent to factus erat 'had been elected'. So quinto anno below, 'at the end of the fifth year', i.e.

This is what I wished for, hoc erat in votis: a bit of land, oh, not so very large, but fenced in, to avoid the drawbacks of a public way; an abandoned, barren, sun scorched bit of land, favored by thistles and by wasps and bees. Hoc erat in votis. Yes, this was my wish, my dream, always cherished, always vanishing into the mists of the future.

He appears to have inherited his audacity through his pedigree, descending, as it was ludicrously enough asserted he did, from a chief of the Caninefates, the ancient inhabitants of Gelderland, called Brinio. And Brinio the Caninefat had been as famous for his stolid audacity as for his illustrious birth; "Erat in Caninefatibus stolidae audaciae Brinio claritate natalium insigni."

Bernard had had nothing to distract his attention, he might have thought too much about his handsome partner, and then gone home and dreamed about her, which is always dangerous, and waked up thinking of her still, and then begun to be deeply interested in her studies, and so on, through the whole syllogism which ends in Nature's supreme quod erat demonstrandum.

If progress is happiness where is mine? Gone with the curlew and the wild duck! Therefore, there is no progress. Quod erat, my illogical friend." "But your happiness in such things was an exception " "Exceptions prove anything!" "Yes but no, they don't, either! What nonsense you can talk when you try to. . . . As for me I'm going down to the Brier Water to look into it.

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