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Updated: September 18, 2024
The Irish are thus being slowly reinstated in possession of their own soil, and, that once accomplished, the respect of England is secured respectability in England being in its essence equivalent to real estate.
The natives, actuated by some mysterious impulse, day after day redoubled their attentions to us. Their manner towards us was unaccountable. Surely, thought I, they would not act thus if they meant us any harm. But why this excess of deferential kindness, or what equivalent can they imagine us capable of rendering them for it? We were fairly puzzled.
It would be absolutely useless to make such an experiment. We must find the equivalent of the bee smeared with honey; that is, we must offer the larva its ordinary food with a mixture of animal matter added. I shall experiment with albumen, as provided by the egg of the hen; albumen being an isomer of fibrine, which is the principal element of all flesh diet.
That apology is quite sufficient. Mr Panscope. Apology, sir? Mr Escot. Even so, sir. You have lost your temper, which I consider equivalent to a confession that you have the worst of the argument. Mr Panscope. Lightning and devils! sir Squire Headlong. No civil war! Temperance, in the name of Bacchus! A glee! a glee! Music has charms to bend the knotted oak. Sir Patrick, you'll join?
I do not dwell upon this matter, because I do not wish to be misunderstood, as if I supposed that union to a church is equivalent to union with Him; or that a connection with a church is the only, or even the principal way of making an open avowal of Christian principle; but I am certain that amongst us in this day there is a laxity in this matter which is doing harm both to the Church and to some of you.
The small motor was still running and had, as the lad had said, gone the equivalent of over two hundred miles. "If a small battery does as well as that, what will a larger one do?" asked Mr. Damon. "Much better, I hope," replied the youth. "But Dad doesn't seem to have much faith in them." "Well," admitted Mr. Swift, "I must say I am skeptical.
Translate, 'more quickly than they had ever expected'. Cf. Att. 6, 1, 6 accipiam equidem dolorem mihi ilium irasci sed multo maiorem non esse eum talem qualem putassem. See Zumpt, Gram., 518. FALSUM PUTARE: 'to form a mistaken judgment'. For falsum as noun equivalent to ψευδος, cf. 6 gratissimum; also n. on 3 ceteris. QUI CITIUS: lit. 'in what way quicker'; cf. Tusc. 5, 89 qui melius.
In this respect it is not even necessary to except their task of cutting up the small seals, which is, in truth, one of the greatest luxuries and privileges they enjoy; and even if it were esteemed a labour, it could scarcely be considered equivalent to that of the women in many of our own fishing-towns, where the men’s business is at an end the moment the boat touches the beach.
I am utterly devoid, sir, of superstition; and it is partly in order to make this clear to all with whom I have to do, that I intend to name our new ship the `Trident, and to order her to sail on a Friday." As Mr Denham accompanied his last word with an inclination of the head which was equivalent to a dismissal, Mr Crumps sighed and retired to his den.
By the soldiers who had borne the brunt of the battle the late-comers were dubbed Chouaguens, this being the way the rank and file of the French soldiers pronounced the Indian name of Oswego. Thus the term came to mean one who refuses to follow, or who lets others do the fighting and keeps out of it himself. Perhaps the nearest English, or rather American, equivalent is the name Mugwump.
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