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Updated: December 22, 2024
But he was a philosopher. Which of them ever changed countenance? Which of them not only stood or fell indecorously? Which, when he had fallen and was commanded to receive the stroke of the sword, contracted his neck." Cicero, Tusc. Let us bring in the women too. Who has not heard at Paris of her that caused her face to be flayed only for the fresher complexion of a new skin?
QUASI TITILLATIO: the quasi, as often in Cicero's writings, marks a translation from the Greek. Here the Epicurean word γαργαλισμος is referred to; it is often in Cic. represented by titillatio; cf. N.D. 1, 113; Fin. 1, 39; Tusc. 3, 47. BENE: sc. dixit. AFFECTO AETATE: 'wrought on by age'. Cf. De Or. 1, 200 in eius infirmissima valetudine affectaque iam aetate.
Plutarch, in Vitâ Caton. See also de Invent. i. 36. Paterculus, i. 12, etc. Plutarch, in Vitt. Lucull. et Syll. Gravin. Origin. Juris Civil. lib. i. c. 44. Quinct. xii. 2. Auct. Dialog. de Orator. 31. De Nat. Deor. i. 4; de Off. i. 1; de Fin.; init. Acad. Quæst. init. etc. Tusc Quæst. i. 3; ii. 3; Acad. Quæst. i. 2; de Nat. Deor. i. 21; de Fin. i. 3, etc.; de Clar. Orat. 35.
The poets, that feign all things at pleasure, dare not acquit their greatest heroes of tears: "Sic fatur lacrymans, classique immittit habenas." 'Tis sufficient for a man to curb and moderate his inclinations, for totally to suppress them is not in him to do. Cicero, Tusc.
What sense have the two companions in greatest esteem amongst me, Epaminondas, of this fine verse that has been so many ages current in his praise, "Consiliis nostris laus est attrita Laconum;" "Cicero, Tusc. or Africanus, of this other, "A sole exoriente supra Maeotis Paludes Nemo est qui factis me aequiparare queat."
The indicative might have been expected; the expression almost = consecuti sumus, consecutus aliquis est. Roby, 1546; G. 252, Rem. 3; H. 486, III. VIRTUTE ET RECTE FACTIS: the same opinion is enforced in Tusc. 1, 109. QUID SEQUATUR: 'the future'; cf. Lucr. 1, 459 transactum quid sit in aevo, Tum quae res instet, quid porro deinde sequatur.
Indeed all rude nations bury with the dead those objects which are most dear to them when living, under the notion that they will use and enjoy them in a future state. See Robertson's Amer. B. 4, &c., &c. Sepulcrum erigit. Still poetical; literally: a turf rears the comb. Cf. His. 5, 6: Libanum erigit. Ponunt==deponunt. So Cic. Tusc. Qu.: ad ponendum dolorem Cf. A. 20: posuere iram.
'Tis a dangerous weapon, that will hinder and wound its master, if put into an awkward and unskilful hand: "Ut fuerit melius non didicisse." Cicero, Tusc.
This age wherein we live, in our part of the world at least, is grown so stupid, that not only the exercise, but the very imagination of virtue is defective, and seems to be no other but college jargon: "Virtutem verba putant, ut Lucum ligna:" "Quam vereri deberent, etiam si percipere non possent." Cicero, Tusc.
The name seems to be preserved in the modern Hartz Forest, which is however far less extensive. Igitur Helvetii==igitur regionem, inter, etc. See note on colunt, 16. Igitur seldom stands as the first word in a sentence in Cicero. Cf. Z. 357; and Kuehner's Cic. Tusc. Qu. 1, 6, 11. Here it introduces a more particular explanation of the general subject mentioned at the close of the previous chapter.
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