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Updated: September 5, 2024

"I became very intimate," says he, "with a man who was a poet; he could neither read nor write; but he was a poet by nature, having a muse wonderfully glib at making triplets and quartets. He was nicknamed Tum Tai of the Moor.

The circus had gone on and on, showing in many different places. Tum Tum, in each place, had looked to see if Mappo had come back, but the little monkey had not. Perhaps he was still off in the woods with Squinty, the comical pig.

Nero felt his cage being run down off the car, and then he heard Tum Tum talking in elephant animal language. "How are you, Nero? All right?" asked Tum Tum, as he pushed the lion's cage about so the horses could be hitched to it again. "Are you ready to do your tricks in the circus?" "Oh, yes," answered Nero. "When do we begin?" "Pretty soon," answered Leo from his cage.

"I don't want to get lost, either," said Mappo to himself. "I wonder what is going to happen now." Many things happened to him, and also to Tum Tum and the others. Mappo's cage, as well as the cages holding the lions and tigers, were lifted off the ship onto land. Then they were put on big wagons and carted off through a strange place.

Why do you talk so, Sir? Sir Feeb. Was it anger'd at the Fool's Prattle? tum a-me, tum a-me, I'll undress it, effags, I will Roguy. Let. You are so wanton, Sir, you make me blush I will not go to bed, unless you'll promise me Sir Feeb. Let. What shall I do? assist me, gentle Maid, Thy Eyes methinks put on a little hope. Phil. Take Courage, Madam you guess right be confident. Sir Feeb.

And so it did. The bands began to play, and when the tent was filled with boys and girls, and their papas and mammas, and grandpas and grandmas, there was a grand procession of all the performers. The elephants, of which Tum Tum was one, also marched around, as did lots of the ponies and dogs. "I wonder when it will come my turn to do tricks?" thought Mappo. His turn soon came.

But, Nero, I guess you in your cage won't feel the storm any." "No, I don't believe we shall," agreed the lion. "But I wish we could. I am so hot and dry, sitting in this cage, that I wish I could get out and splash around in the mud and water. So the sooner the thunder storm comes the better." "It isn't likely to do you much good," went on Tum Tum, "but it will be cooler, afterward, anyhow."

Great was the surprise at the brown cottage, when, on the very night before Christmas, the box arrived and was deposited in the dining room, where Guy and Julia, Miss Barker and Daisy gathered eagerly around it, the latter exclaiming: "I knows where it tum from, I do. My sake-name, Miss McDolly, send it, see did. I writ and ask her would see an' she hab." "What!"

The trees grow big and strong, and between them grow strong vines so that it is hard for any living creature except an elephant, or maybe a snake to push his way along. A snake can crawl on the ground under the vines, you know. Well, Tum Tum lived in this jungle, and with him lived his father and mother.

And indeed Mappo and Tum Tum were the best of friends at once. Elephants and monkeys very seldom quarrel, and they live together in peace, even in the jungle, and do not fight, and bite and scratch, as some wild beasts do. "Hello!" said Mappo to Tum Tum, as the little monkey sat on the elephant's back. "Hello!"

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