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Dialog. 19. Dialog. 18 and 22 Quinct. xii 10. Apollonius, the Pythagorean philosopher, was born at Tyana, in Cappadocia, in the year of Rome 750, four years before the common Christian era. His reputation rests, not so much on his personal merits, as on the attempt made in the early ages of the Church, and since revived, to bring him forward as a rival to the Divine Author of our Religion.

Quæst. i. 1, v. 29; de Fin. i. 3, 4; de Off. i. 1; de Div. ii. 1, 2. Div. Leg. lib. iii. sec. 9. See Tusc. Quæst and de Republ. See Fabricius, Bibliothec. Latin.; Olivet, in Cic. opp. omn.; Middleton's Life. Quinct. Inst. x. 7. De Invent. ii. 2 et 3; ad Fam. i. 9. Cf. de part. Orat. with de Invent. Orat. 19. Vossius, de Nat. Rhet. c. xiii.; Fabricius, Bibliothec. Latin.

Lucullus, 6 with 13. Lucullus, 13, 21, 40. Empir. Pyrrh. Hypot. 1, 11. Cicero terms these three impressions, "visio probabilis; quæ ex circumspectione aliquâ et accuratâ consideratione fiat; quæ non impediatur." Lucullus, 11. Pyrrh. Hypot. i. 33. Numen. apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. xiv. 7. Lucullus, 31, 34; de Off. ii. 2; de Fin. v. 26. Quinct. xii. 1. Lucullus, 22, et alibi; Tusc. Quæst. ii. 2.

Deor. i. 6; de Div. i. 4, de Fat. 1. Sciopp. in Olivet. See Plutarch, in Vitâ. In Catil. iii. 3-5. Pro Cæl. 24. Philipp. ix. 3. Pro Cæl. 6. Ibid. 14. Pro Quinct. 1, and In Verr. Act i. 13 Pro Cluent 1. Pro Leg. Manil. 1. Pro Milon. 1. Pro Deiotar. 2. Pro Milon. 14, etc. Pro Muræn. 9. Pro Cæl. 7, etc. In Verr. vi. 2, etc. Contra Rull. ii. 6, 7. Pro Rabir. 4. Pro Milon. init. et alibi.

Handsome and beautiful, on most occasions, is nor an absolute but a relative quality, and pleases us by nothing but its tendency to produce an end that is agreeable. Pulcher aspectu sit athieta, cujus lacertos exercitatio expressit; idem certamini paratior. Nunquam vero species ab utilitate dividitur. Sed hoc quidem discernere, modici judicii est. Quinct. lib. 8.

Johnson's observations on Addison's writings may be well applied to those of Cicero, who would have been eminently successful in short miscellaneous essays, like those of the Spectator, had the manners of the age allowed it. Orat iii. 4; Tusc. Quæst. ii. 3; de Off. i. 1. Paradox. præfat. Quinct. Instit. xii. 2. Article, Plato, in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana. Acad.

Dialog. de Orat. 20 apud Tacit. and 22. Quinct. x. 2. "It is not uncommon for those who have grown wise by the labour of others, to add a little of their own, and overlook their master." Johnson. We have before compared Cicero to Addison as regards the purpose of inspiring their respective countrymen with literary taste. They resembled each other in the return they experienced. Dialog. 18. Ibid.

Pro Arch. 11, 12, ad Fam. v. 21, vi. 21. He seems to have fallen into some misconceptions of Aristotle's meaning. De Invent. i. 35, 36, ii. 14; see Quinct. Inst. v. 14. De Invent. i. 7, ii. 51, et passim; ad. Fam. i. 9; de Orat. ii. 36. De Off. i. 1; de Fin. iv. 5. De Fin. ii. 21, iii. 1; de Legg. i. 13; de Orat. iii. 17; ad Fam. xiii. 1; pro Sext. 10. De Nat. Deor. i. 4; Tusc.

Lucullus, 2; de Fin. i. 1-3; Tusc Quæst. ii. 1, 2; iii. 2; v. 2; de Legg. i. 22-24; de Off. ii. 2; de Orat. 41, etc. Middleton's Life, vol. ii. p. 254. Ad Quinct. fratr. iii. 3. Tusc. Quæst, v. 2. De Off. i. 5. init.

It is remarkable that some authors attempted to account for the invention of the Asiatic style, on the same principle we have here adduced to account for Cicero's adoption of it in Latin; viz. that the Asiatics had a defective knowledge of Greek, and devised phrases, etc., to make up for the imperfection of their scanty vocabulary. See Quinct. xii. 10. De clar. Orat. 72.

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