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Updated: January 27, 2025

"With 'Nunquam non paratus' for my motto," gaily returned the young man, "it were odd, indeed, if a mere scratch like this should prevent me from establishing my claim to it by following wherever my gallant captain leads." "Most courteously spoken, and little in the spirit of a man yet smarting under the infliction of a rifle wound, it must be confessed," remarked Lieutenant Leslie.

Quoddam fabulosum scriptum exiuit per partes nostras, quod in praedicta processione circumferatur cumpheretro corpus beati Thomae, qui et in fine processionis populu compopulo communicaret proprijs manibus de Eucharistae sacramento, sed non est ita, et nunquam fuit. De Iaua, et quibusdam aiijs meridionalibus Insulis, et de farina, melle et piscibus Ogeri Ducis Danorum.

'Nunc aut nunquam, Recuperare aut mori', were the watchwords of his desperate adventure: "Freedom for fatherland and conscience" was the device which was to draw thousands to his standard. On the western wolds of Frisia, he surprised the castle of Wedde, a residence of the absent Aremberg, stadholder of the province. Thence he advanced to Appingadam, or Dam, on the tide waters of the Dollart.

Nor is it reputation or glory; only a Frenchman could mean that. Glory is such an uncertain thing, and, if you look at it closely, of so little value. Besides it never corresponds to the effort you have made: Responsura tuo nunquam est par fama labori. Nor, again, is it exactly the pleasure it gives you; for this is almost outweighed by the greatness of the effort.

When I was a boy, my father often repeated to me this proverb: "Dico tibi verum, honestas, optima rerum, Nunquam servili sub nexu vivitur fili." This saying of the parental teacher of Wallace is recorded. It means, "Know of a certainty that virtue, the best of possessions, never can exist under the bond of servility."

Transigite cum expeditionibus: imponite quinquaginta annis magnum diem: approbate reipublicae nunquam exercitui imputari potuisse aut moras belli aut causas rebellandi." XXXV. Et alloquente adhuc Agricola, militum ardor eminebat, et finem orationis ingens alacritas consecuta est, statimque ad arma discursum.

Every action of your life, every thought of your waking hours, should be for the good end, lest we all perish together and expiate our lukewarm indifference. Timidi nunquam statuerunt trapaeum if we would divide the spoil we must gird on the sword and use it boldly; we must not allow the possibility of failure; we must be vigilant; we must be united as one man.

"Jam aut Nunquam," was the motto upon the Italian's banners. In proportion to the depression in the republic at the results of this year's campaigning was the elation at the Spanish court. Bad news and false news had preceded the authentic intelligence of Spinola's victories.

Ibis et redibis nunquam in bello peribis. Let that be your model; and remember, on peril of your reputation as a prophet, not to put a stop before or after the nunquam. There are two or three facts connected with time, besides that already referred to, which strike us very forcibly in their relation to the great events passing around us.

This is the only exception which I shall make to the general rule I have prescribed myself, of attacking multitudes; since every honest man ought to look upon himself as in a natural state of war with the libeller and lampooner, and to annoy them wherever they fall in his way. This is but retaliating upon them, and treating them as they treat others. Nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia dicit.

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