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Updated: September 21, 2024

Zachariah, although he was desponding, could now say he had been in the same straits before, and had survived. That is the consolation of all consolations to us. We have actually touched and handled the skeleton, and after all we have not been struck dead. "O socii, neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum, O passi graviora, dabit Deus his quoque finem.

Et qui in eundo rectum iter tenet, veniet in Ciuitatem dictam, Balbes, quae est ad finem Regni Halapiae: Sicque expleto Deserto, intratur terra AEgypti, quam ipsi Canopat vocant, et aliqui Mersur, atque ex tunc in Babyloniam, et Cayr, praefatam: In ista vero Babylonia habetur pulchra Ecclesia Mariae virginis, in loco vbi morabatur cum filio suo, et Ioseph tempore suae fugae, et creditur ibi contineri corpus Virginis Barbarae.

I recalled some words of Stein's. . . . "In the destructive element immerse! . . . To follow the dream, and again to follow the dream and so always usque ad finem . . ." He was romantic, but none the less true.

The following lines, giving the rules for terminations, are well known and are useful, as a help to the memory: Per Dominum dicas, si Patrem quilibet oras Si Christum memores, Per eundem, dicere debes Si loqueris Christo, Qui vivis scire memento; Qui tecum, si sit collectae finisin ipso Si Flamen memores ejusdem die prope finem

There are sorrows which must be hidden, which it is better to endeavour to bury by never speaking of them, by not thinking of them, if that were possible." "Is it as bad as that?" the lad asked. "It is bad enough sometimes. But never mind. You remember that Roman wisdom, 'Dabit Deus his quoque finem. And I think that all things are bearable if a man will only make up his mind to bear them.

He meant that it was hard for him to be reduced to say such a thing; as to doing it, when he had said it, that would be a light matter. Sintenis suspects that the text is not quite right here. The naval victory of Salamis justified his advice. "cur apricum Oderit campum patiens pulveris atque solis? sæpe disco Sæpe trans finem jaculo nobilis expedito." Horatius, Od. i. 8.

Sic mihi persuasi, sic sentio, cum tanta celeritas animorum sit, tanta memoria praeteritorum futurorumque prudentia, tot artes tantae scientiae, tot inventa, non posse eam naturam, quae res eas contineat, esse mortalem; cumque semper agitetur animus nec principium motus habeat, quia se ipse moveat, ne finem quidem habiturum esse motus, quia numquam se ipse sit relicturus; et cum simplex animi natura esset neque haberet in se quicquam admixtum dispar sui atque dissimile, non posse eum dividi, quod si non posset, non posse interire; magnoque esse argumento homines scire pleraque ante quam nati sint, quod iam pueri, cum artis difficilis discant, ita celeriter res innumerabilis arripiant, ut eas non tum primum accipere videantur, sed reminisci et recordari.

The glossary to Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar explains words of Teutonic and Romanic root in about equal proportions. Even so accomplished a person as Professor Craik, in his English of Shakspeare, derives head, through the German haupt, from the Latin caput! Mr. II. cap. i. ad finem. A History of Philip the Second, King of Spain. By WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. Vol.

All things have their seasons, even good ones, and I may say my Paternoster out of time; as they accused T. Quintus Flaminius, that being general of an army, he was seen praying apart in the time of a battle that he won. "Imponit finem sapiens et rebus honestis."

There are some to whom living protoplasm is a substance, even such as Harvey conceived the blood to be, "summa cum providentia et intellectu in finem certum agens, quasi ratiocinio quodam;" and who look with as little favour as Bichat did, upon any attempt to apply the principles and the methods of physics and chemistry to the investigation of the vital processes of growth, metabolism, and contractility.

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