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Updated: September 20, 2024

I slept at the Indian's wigwam, who readily accompanied me next morning; but the weather being intolerably cold, the poor fellow got both his ears frozen, et aliud quidquam præterea, in crossing a large lake not far from his camp.

* Ad quartum dicendum, quando unum duorum est ratio alterius, occupatio animæ circa unum non impedit nec remittet occupationem eius circa aliud.... Et quia Deus apprehenditur a sanctis ut ratio omnium quæ ab eis agentur vel cognoscentur: ideo occupatio eorum circa sensibilia et sentienda, vel quæcumque alia contemplanda aut agenda, in nullo impediet divinam contemplationem, nec e converso.

'Preserve us, Lord, by thy deare word, From Turk and Pope, defend us Lord, Which both would thrust out of his throne Our Lord Jesus Christ, thy deare son. 'Proinde quum dominus Matth. 6 docet discipulos suos ne in orando multiloqui sint, nihil aliud docet quam ne credant deum inani verborum strepitu flecti rem eandem subinde flagitantium.

Ego aliquot horis spatiatus in hospitium reverti nihilque aliud quam puerum basiavi. At ille circumspiciens ut cervicem meam iunxit amplexu, 'rogo' inquit 'domine, ubi est asturco? "Cum ob hanc offensam praeclusissem mihi aditum, quem feceram, iterum ad licentiam redii.

Interpositis enim paucis diebus, cum similis casus nos in eandem fortunam rettulisset, ut intellexi stertere patrem, rogare coepi ephebum, ut reverteretur in gratiam mecum, id est ut pateretur satis fieri sibi, et cetera quae libido distenta dictat. At ille plane iratus nihil aliud dicebat nisi hoc: 'aut dormi, aut ego iam dicam patri. Nihil est tam arduum, quod non improbitas extorqueat.

Quid enim aliud nobis, quam caedem Crassi, amisso et ipse Pacoro, infra Ventidium dejectus Oriens objecerit?

Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16. The osculum was a sort of "donation on account of marriage" made on the day of the formal engagement. Codex, i, 3, 54 . Codex, viii, 57 , I and 2. Cf. Codex, viii, 58 , 1 and 2. Codex, v, 3, 10.

If we pass to the construction of matter, we find it as the product, or tertium aliud, of antagonist powers of repulsion and attraction. Remove these powers, and the conception of matter vanishes into spaceconceive repulsion only, and you have the same result.

Primum proprie dicitur de re subsistente, quia ejus est fieri, cujus est esse: id autem proprie quod subsistit et habet esse; nam quod alteri adjacet, potius est quo aliud est. Ex hac ergo parte, formae substantiales materiales non fiunt ex nihilo, quia proprie non fiunt.

This comes of not attending to the Latin maxim 'Hoc age' mind the object before you. Dr. Alison, a wise man, 'hoc egit: Coleridge 'aliud egit. And we see the result. In a case which suited him, by interesting his peculiar feeling, Coleridge could command 'Attention full ten times as much as there needs.

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