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Updated: January 24, 2025

Being altogether unaccustomed to such looks from me, he stood still, and stared in my face for some time; then, with some confusion, uttered, "Fool! I called nobody fool but myself; I am sure I am the greatest fool of the two, for being so much concerned at other people's misfortunes; but 'Nemo omnibus horis sapit' that's all, that's all."

"Nam os columnatum poetae esse indaudivi barbaro, Quoi bini custodes semper totis horis accubant." The poet, however, did not learn wisdom from experience. He lampooned the great Scipio in some spirited verses still extant, and doubtless made many others feel the shafts of his ridicule.

Upon Hamlet's taking up the skull, he cried out, "Well! it is strange to see how fearless some men are: I never could bring myself to touch anything belonging to a dead man, on any account. He seemed frightened enough too at the ghost, I thought. Nemo omnibus horis sapit."

John Ridd, you ought to have studied medicine, with your healing powers. Half my virtue lies in touch. A clean and wholesome body, sir; I have taught you the Latin grammar. I leave you in excellent hands, my dear, and they wait for me at shovel-board. Bread and water poultice cold, to be renewed, tribus horis.

I say nothing, young man; remember I say nothing; but if Sir Thomas himself had been educated nearer home, and under the tuition of somebody remember I name nobody it might have been better for him: but his father must institute him in the knowledge of the world. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit."

Tempt me no more; do not lure me to the loss of self-esteem. And now, Percival," resumed Ardworth, in the tone of one who wishes to plunge into some utterly new current of thought, "let us forget for awhile these solemn aspirations, and be frolicsome and human. 'Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. 'Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo. What say you to a cigar?" Percival stared.

I have given the description of the life that I propose to lead for the future, in this motto, which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house: Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno, et inertibus horis Ducere sollicitae jucunda oblivia vitas.

Papists tell us, that they will not defend the personal actions of the Pope, quasi ipse solus omnibus horis sapere potuerit, id quod recte nemini concessum perhibetur. Their own records let the world know the abominable vices and impieties of popes. Witness Platina, in the life of John X., Benedict IV., John XIII., Boniface VII., John XX., John XXII., Paul II., &c.

Tempt me no more; do not lure me to the loss of self-esteem. And now, Percival," resumed Ardworth, in the tone of one who wishes to plunge into some utterly new current of thought, "let us forget for awhile these solemn aspirations, and be frolicsome and human. 'Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. 'Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo. What say you to a cigar?" Percival stared.

"Now to return to the youth in the corner: Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit, Jemmy keep your money, or give it to the priest to keep, and it will be safest; but by no means let the Hyblean honey of the schoolmaster's blarney deprive you of it, otherwise it will be a vale, vale, longum vale between you. Crede experto!"

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