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Updated: January 29, 2025
"Greek Grammar, Greek Testament, Lucian, Homer, Sophocles, AEschylus, Thucydides, Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and the Works of Alexander the Great; the manners, habits, customs, usages, and the meditations of the Grecians; the Greek Digamma resolved, Prosody, Composition, both in prose and verse, and Oratory, in English, Latin and Greek; together with various other branches of learning and scholastic profundity quoi enumerare longum est along with Irish Radically, and a small taste of Hebrew upon the Masoretic text.
Congreve I saw a dozen of times at Button's, a splendid wreck of a man, magnificently attired, and though gouty, and almost blind, bearing a brave face against fortune. The great Mr. There were hundreds of men, wits, and pretty fellows frequenting the theatres and coffee-houses of that day whom "nunc perscribere longum est."
At tu, cui venti, cui totum militat aequor, Regina, o mundi totius vna, decus, Sic regnare Deo perge, ambitione remota, Prodiga sic opibus perge iuuare pios, Vt te Angli longum, longum Anglis ipsa fruaris, Quam dilecta bonis, tam metuenda malis. The same in English.
But Jan used to say, 'Water will do it best; give water time. Jan Van Eyck was never in a hurry, and that is why the world will not forget him in a hurry." This and several other receipts, quae nunc perscribere longum est, Margaret gave him with sparkling eyes, and Gerard received them like a legacy from Heaven, so interesting are some things that read uninteresting.
The derivation of Aralikas is explained by Nilakantha thus; Potherbs cut off with a kind of weapon called Ara are called Aralu. They who were expert in cooking those potherbs were called Aralikas. Ragakhandava was manufactured from piper longum, dry ginger, sugar, and the juice of Phaseolus Mango.
Perdit spina rosas nec semper lilia candent Nec longum tenet uva comas nec populus umbras, Donum forma breve est, nec se quod commodet annis: in these graceful lines the copied Virgilian cadence is united with the directness and the real or assumed simplicity which belongs to the second childhood of Latin literature, and which is so remarkable in the authors who founded the new style.
We have bulls of the Popes, marriage-contracts, feudal charters, treaties of alliance, and other similar instruments, quoted ad longum in the text of the history, till no one but an enthusiastic antiquary or half-cracked genealogist can go on with the work. The same mistake is painfully conspicuous in Sismondi's Histoire des Français.
"And various other perquisites, quae nunc praescribere longum," said the Abbot, summing, with his own lordly voice, the advantages attached to the office of conventional bow-bearer.
Longum Vale! Historical Apology for The Irish Catholics. By WILLIAM PARNELL, Esquire. Fitzpatrick, Dublin. 1807. If ever a nation exhibited symptoms of downright madness, or utter stupidity, we conceive these symptoms may be easily recognised in the conduct of this country upon the Catholic question.
QUID EST ... DIU: cf. Tusc. 1, 94 quae vero aetas longa est, aut quid omnino homini longum? ... quia ultra nihil habemus, hoc longum dicimus. For est see n. on 72. TARTESSIORUM ... GADIBUS: the whole of the south coast of Spain bore the name Tartessus, but the name is often confined to Gades, the chief city. FUIT: = vixit.
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