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Updated: September 18, 2024

When I had introduced them they looked each other up and down appraisingly, Entedius appearing to relish Tanno's swarthy vigor, warm coloring and exuberant health as much as did Tanno his hard-muscled leanness and weather-beaten complexion. "Are you any relation to Entedia Jucunda?" Tanno queried.

With leaf- climbers, as we shall soon see, analogous cases frequently occur; but these present no difficulty, as the stem is secured by the clasping petioles. In the many other revolving and twining plants observed by me, I never but twice saw the movement reversed; once, and only for a short space, in Ipomoea jucunda; but frequently with Hibbertia dentata.

I have given the description of the life that I propose to lead for the future, in this motto, which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house: Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno, et inertibus horis Ducere sollicitae jucunda oblivia vitas.

"Animosa juventus," and "jucunda senectus," would not inaptly have described his earlier and his latter days. But for the life of long and active public service which came between, it is difficult to find any phrase equally pointed and characteristic.

I have given the description of the life that I propose to lead for the future, in this motto, which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house: Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno, et inertibus horis Ducere sollicitae jucunda oblivia vitas.

At times she seemed likely to weather the danger, and then the spectators congratulated her aloud: at others the wind and sea drove her visibly nearer, and the lookers-on were not without a secret satisfaction they would not have owned even to themselves. Non quia vexari quemquam est jucunda voluptas Sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suave est.

Ferunt enim aures bominum, cum ilia quae jucunda et grata, tum etiam ilia, quae mirabilia sunt in virtute, laudari. De orat. lib. ii. cap. 84. We need only peruse the titles of chapters in Aristotle's Ethics to be convinced that he ranks courage, temperance, magnificence, magnanimity, modesty, prudence, and a manly openness, among the virtues, as well as justice and friendship.

From it have proceeded and will continue to come the finest kinds that can be grown east of the Rockies. Nevertheless, what was said of foreign raspberries is almost equally true of European strawberries like the Triomphe de Gand and Jucunda, and hybrids like the Wilder.

"Aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstante plagas, Aut amite levi rara leiidit retia, Turdis edacibus dolos; Pavidumve leporem, et advenam laqueo gruem, Jucunda captat praemia."

Aut prodesse volunt ant delectare poetae, Aut simul et jucunda et idonea dicere vitae. Horat. De arte poetica v. 333. It is now four years since this book first appeared before the public, and I feel it my duty not to let a second edition go forth into the world without a few words of accompaniment.

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