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Updated: September 23, 2024

He gives one example of his skill as a palmist in the De Vita Propria: "Memini me dum essem adolescens, persuasum fuisse cuidam Joanni Stephano Biffo, quod essem Chiromanticus, et tamen nil minus: rogat ille, ut prædicam ei aliquid de vita; dixi delusum esse a sociis, urget, veniam peto si quicquam gravius prædixero: dixi periculum imminere brevi de suspendio, intra hebdomadam capitur, admovetur tormentis: pertinaciter delictum negat, nihilominus tandem post sex menses laqueo vitam finivit." ch. xlii. p. 156.

Yet the spirits recorded both these things on their tablets, as though both were worthy of their remembrance. He did not know that he kept repeating two sentences over and over to himself: "'Quoniam ipse liberavit me de laqueo venantium et a verbo aspero. Quoniam angelis suis mandavit de te: ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis."

Yet the spirits recorded both these things on their tablets, as though both were worthy of their remembrance. He did not know that he kept repeating two sentences over and over to himself: "'Quoniam ipse liberavit me de laqueo venantium et a verbo aspero. Quoniam angelis suis mandavit de te: ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis."

Cedere loco, dummodo rursus instes, consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur. Corpora suorum etiam in dubiis proeliis referunt. Scutum reliquisse, praecipuum flagitium; nec aut sacris adesse, aut concilium inire, ignominioso fas; multique superstites bellorum infamiam laqueo finierunt. VII. Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt.

VIII. Moreover, because the foredeck and hind deck of all our opposites’ probations do resolve and rest finally into the authority of a law, and authority they use as a sharp knife to cut every Gordian knot which they cannot unloose, and as a dreadful peal to sound so loud in all ears that reason cannot be heard, therefore we certiorate you with Calvin, that a acquievistis imperio, pessimo laqueo vos in duistisIf you have acquiesced in authority, you have wrapped yourselves in a very evil snare.

My poetry was now the jest of every company, except some few who spoke of it with detestation; and I found that, instead of recommending me to preferment, it had effectually barred me from all probability of attaining it. "These discouragements had now induced me to lay down my pen and write no more. But, as Juvenal says, Si discedas, Laqueo tenet ambitiosi Consuetudo mali.

Forsitan pertransisset anima nostra aquam intolerabilem; that is, the water of his urine, the flood whereof, cutting our way, took our feet from us. Benedictus Dominus qui non dedit nos in captionem dentibus eorum. Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium; when we fell in the trap. Laqueus contritus est, by Fourniller, et nos liberati sumus. Adjutorium nostrum, &c.

At 8.35 a.m. you will be in heaven and Ireland will be free. LYNCH: He likes dialectic, the universal language. Kitty! He won't listen to me. Et laqueo se suspendit. Here's your stick. STEPHEN: Stick, no. Reason. This feast of pure reason. He insulted me but I forgive him. You see he's incapable. Stephen totters, collapses, falls, stunned.

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